A former Google recruiter says applicants have 'zero chance' of moving forward if their résumé is full of 'text bricks'

  • A former Google recruiter says applicants often have too many words and paragraphs in their résumés.

  • Nolan Church said applicants had "zero chance" of moving forward if he spotted this avoidable error.

  • He also encouraged applicants to use AI tools like ChatGPT to help tighten up their résumés.

A former Google recruiter opened up about common mistakes made in résumés that he said could prevent an applicant from landing their dream job at the tech giant.

Google jobs are incredibly competitive. The company receives more than two million applicants a year, which makes getting a spot at Google harder than getting into Harvard, according to Forbes. That's why it's imperative to impress recruiters from the start.

Nolan Church, the cofounder and CEO of the executive-talent platform Continuum, worked as a Google recruiter from 2012 to 2015. He told CNBC that the "No. 1 thing I don't want to see on a résumé is probably brick texts" and said that this was an "endless stream of text that have a lot of words but not a lot of context."

"There's zero chance you're going to move forward" if an applicant used this format, Church said.

He said that the ability to be "concise" was a crucial skill and that applicants who couldn't do this in their résumé showed that "there's just no way you're going to be able to succinctly write in the workplace."

Church advised applicants to use AI tools like ChatGPT or Grammarly to help clean up and tighten their résumé.

Google laid off 12,000 employees this year in an effort to cut costs, which means the hiring process is likely to be even more stringent and difficult because the company is set to take on fewer recruits.

Laszlo Bock, a former Google executive who spent 20 years at the company, saw more than 20,000 résumés during his time there.

Bock said the most common mistakes included typos, poor formatting, and résumés that were far too long.

"A good rule of thumb is one page of résumé for every ten years of work experience," Bock said. "Once you're in the room, the résumé doesn't matter much. So cut back your résumé."

Read the original article on Business Insider