Former Mass. substitute teacher arraigned on child porn charges

Former Mass. substitute teacher arraigned on child porn charges

A man who served as an on-call substitute teacher in the Pentucket Regional School District is facing child porn charges.

Kenneth Niven, 24, of Merrimac, was charged with possession of child pornography and photographing an unsuspecting nude person. He pleaded not guilty Tuesday in Newbury District Court.

A judge set bail at $15,000 and ordered Niven to stay away from people under 18 and not use social media.

The Essex County District Attorney’s office said two alleged images of child pornography were found on Niven’s phone.

Pentucket Superintendent Justin Bartholomew said Niven worked at the Sweetsir School, a pre-k to grade 2 school, and the Donaghue School, which has students in grades 3-6. Both schools are located in Merrimac.

Niven has been fired from his role and issued a no-trespass order, barring him from all district property. Bartholomew said Niven passed a background and criminal record check before starting as a substitute.

“We are outraged and disturbed by the allegations presented, and we pledge to continue to assist in whatever way we can with the police investigation,” Bartholomew said.

The investigation is ongoing. A pre-trial hearing is scheduled for July 19.

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