Former Republic editor sparred with everyone – and journalism benefited

Former Arizona Republic political editor Dave Wagner was one of those characters who gave newsrooms their character.

Simply put, he was one of the most brilliant editors I’ve ever worked with.

He died on Feb. 21 at age 78.

He began his career in the alternative press during the heat of the anti-war and civil-rights movements, and he brought that ethos to The Arizona Republic.

It was an odd fit for what was widely considered to be a conservative newspaper at the time, but it worked because of Dave’s deep and abiding passion for the truth, his distrust of power and his willingness to stand up for the little guy.

Dave Wagner took on the powerful

A true intellectual in every sense of the word, Dave’s passion and skill shined through in everything he did, whether it was leading The Republic’s coverage of the trial and conviction of former Gov. Fife Symington or the coverage of Sen. John McCain’s first run for president in 2000.

He had little patience for BS from politicians, or reporters. Or his bosses, for that matter. More than once I had to talk him out of quitting in protest, but he had a knack for not taking things personally, and he was always up for a beer even after the most heated discussions.

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They say journalists write the first draft of history, and Dave did that.

He covered the story of the bombing of the Army Math Research Center building at the University of Wisconsin in August 1970, and he and his stories are often quoted in books about Vietnam protests and the anti-war movement.

After he left The Republic, Dave went from writing the first draft to writing actual history.

His books about the McCarthy blacklist are incredibly thorough, well-researched and authoritative, and his book-length investigation of Barry Goldwater, the mob and the killing of Republic reporter Don Bolles is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the lawless landscape that was Arizona in the 1970s.

Dave was guided by a light that most of us could not see, and he would not have fared well in today’s world of corporate journalism, where the search for truth often gets overshadowed by the search for profits.

I’m not sure he believed in an afterlife, but if there is one, I’m sure Dave is hectoring whoever is in charge to make sure the rich and powerful don’t get more than their fair share, but the downtrodden do.

John D’Anna is senior news director for enterprise and investigations at The Press Democrat of Santa Rosa, Calif. He spent 27 years at The Arizona Republic. On Twitter: @azgreenday.

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Former Arizona Republic editor Dave Wagner took on the powerful