Fowler commentary: What happens in Texas stays not in Texas

The not-so-secret secret is finally out. A Democrat congressman laid out the Democrat plan for Biden’s open-border policy. The not-so-secret secret is for Texas to be flooded with illegal immigrants, giving the immigrants amnesty so they can vote Democrat, and by 2035 turn Texas blue with its 40 electoral votes. Never mind that the D’s must control all three branches of government to do so. Eventually, they believe, they will have all three branches again.

However, the D’s may have outsmarted themselves. As with many plans, they often go awry. Joe Biden (I apologize for blaming poor Joe, since he doesn’t really know what’s going on.) assumed that the immigrants would be from Mexico. I suppose such is true, except that all those coming from Mexico aren’t Mexicans. The entire world is flooding our southern border.


Apparently, Joe doesn’t care that the world is full of rapists, murderers, and criminals of all types. If the most important members of the Democrat conspiracy — New York and California — the most populated states could add Texas, the conspiracy would be successful in turning Texas blue and finish destroying our country and government. The replacement would be a Marxist government, a disastrous form of government which allows terrorists, sex traffickers, drug dealers, murderous gang members (MS 13), and other miscreants of all kinds to go unpunished so long as they advance the Marxist’ agenda. The “party” is all that matters—that is, the Democrat Party. By turning Texas blue, the Democrats would control all elections forever. But wait! Are the immigrants staying in Texas? It appears that when given amnesty, if ever, the immigrants will no longer be in Texas. To them, Texas is just a waypoint to their destinations to other states. They want to live their American Dream elsewhere, an American Dream that includes free rent, free food, free health care, and, it seems, under Biden, free everything. To put it bluntly, their American Dream is Utopian A song of the hobos during the Great Depression pretty well states their dream—a big-rock candy mountain with lemonade springs, cigarette trees, and where handouts grow on bushes (Author unknown. Sung by Burl Ives in a 1950s album).

The immigrants can find their American Dream in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and other Democrat controlled big cities, sanctuary cities, in the United States, places I may go after Joe and his accomplices take all my money.

If the time comes when the Democrats are able to give amnesty to the millions of illegal migrants flooding Texas, how many will still be in Texas? It appears likely that most will be in sanctuary states where the Democrat vote is already dominate. When asked at the border where they want to go, I’ve yet to hear a migrant say, “Texas” or to hear one say, “I’m here!” The ones who do not state a preference have disappeared into the shadows of a shadow government and do not want to come out of the shadows to reveal themselves. They do not trust the government of the United States. Fair point! I don’t trust our government either, at least as it is formed at present. My columns, as most of you who bother to read them know, are not favorable to the present administration. Should I trust a government that is working mightily to destroy it?

Frankly, I keep expecting to see a couple of FBI agents at my front door to escort me to the nearest jail. I’m not important enough to have the swat team accompanied with blaring lights and national TV stations filming me. I’m no Donald Trump.

“If they can do it to Trump, they can do it to anybody.” We’ve heard this refrain over and over again after the raid by the FBI on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida, a lawless display of power by a corrupt administration. Those are frightening words and true words as well. The Gestapo method of creating absurd excuses for illegal raids portends events to come if the Democrats retain power in Washington. “Anybody but Trump!” goes the refrain. Anybody but a Biden Democrat is my refrain. A few Democrats have finally decided to stand against the insanity coming out of Washington. They deserve listening to. Another bromide: “If not now, when?” “Now” is never too late.

I have a suggestion for the immigrants flooding our borders: go home, kick out the despots who control your countries, and make a United States out of your countries instead of trying to make the United States into the corruption of your countries. Review the Marshall Plan after World War II. With the help of the United States, a Marshall Plan can work for you as well.

Otherwise, we could put Hippos in the Rio Grande River to discourage crossing.

Carl Fowler is a retired professor of English at Amarillo College and lives in Amarillo.

This article originally appeared on Amarillo Globe-News: Fowler commentary: What happens in Texas stays not in Texas