Fox & Friends' Brian Kilmeade is 'stunned' half of Americans want Trump impeached

Fox and Friends' Brian Kilmeade might be spending too much time listening to his own network.

On Sunday, Fox News released a poll showing a full half of Americans support impeaching and removing President Trump, while just 41 percent opposed it. The revelation caught Kilmeade off guard on Monday morning — perhaps because Fox News has been falsely saying the exact opposite is true.

As Sean Hannity and others on Fox News have put it, weeks of impeachment hearings have failed to churn up public support for impeaching and removing Trump. But as the network's own poll has shown, that's not true — a revelation that Kilmeade said left him "stunned." "I thought that things were trending away" from impeachment, Kilmeade said, but he now seems convinced that's not quite true.

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