Fox News' latest lawsuit is devastating — and revealing

The paper trail exposed in the defamation lawsuit against Fox “News” has been devastating to the image of this so-called media outlet, especially to its major on-air personalities. Chief among them is Tucker Carlson (one can’t help wondering what nickname Trump has chosen to skewer his former friend).

This son of privilege, the beau ideal of preppy-dom who attended an elite boarding school, whose headmaster’s daughter he later married, who graduated from the prestigious Trinity College, has been rightly revealed to have a very long nose that no amount of makeup can conceal.

Of course, Trump’s base is ignoring the truth, but one must wonder about Republicans who do not demonstrate such cultlike behavior. Do they not find this exposure embarrassing to their belief in a fair capitalist system, and Fox’s business model too alarmingly like that of Soviet and now Putin propaganda organs the west has worked mightily for decades to expose? Can they ignore the disparities?

One must also wonder why so many conservative lower and middle-class people seem so attracted to thought and political leaders who come from some of the nation’s most elite educational institutions whom they so often rail against.

John Marksbury, Palm Springs

California’s biggest issues seem to be perpetually unaddressed

Dan Walters’ recent op-ed regarding how California tends to throw money at a myriad problems with limited results and little accountability has me thinking about the confluence of politics and governance in our state.

Sacramento seems to continually be debating issues such as corporate greed, policing, bank check fees, tobacco sales, etc. Without trying to diminish any of these issues, there are quite a few others that are extremely critical to the functioning of the state that seem to be perpetually unaddressed.

I think most Californians would agree that housing construction and costs, poor educational outcomes, energy production, transportation and water storage are all top-tier items that need effective solutions if our state is to continue to thrive. While some laws have tinkered with these issues (e.g., housing, green energy) and some additional money spent, I believe few citizens feel that we are adequately addressing them. The only large-scale effort in this direction has been the high-speed rail project and we all know how well that is progressing.

California has so many wondrous strengths. Providing solutions to these critical underpinnings of our state should be of paramount importance. That focus and sense of urgency seems sadly lacking.

Paul Seideman, Rancho Mirage

There’s got to be a better way of doing this

I wish there was some entity (man or woman) who could somehow just appear on the local or national news speaking of how there is a “better way of doing this.” By “this” I mean running the world and its problems.

Somehow eliminate wars (the children in Ukraine should not have to go through the death and destruction there nor the elderly nor people in between). We should not have to see these humpback whales washing ashore on the East Coast dying for “unknown” reasons. They are huge and magnificent and beautiful animals. What if they are still dying and not dead yet when they wash ashore? This is not a pleasant subject because there are so many examples similar to these two and there is not enough time to write about it.

Everyone occasionally wishes or believes that life could be better for all. If some of our smarter people put their heads together, don’t you think it could be done? Human or animal!

Ron Zimmerman, Palm Springs

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: Fox News' latest lawsuit is devastating — and revealing