Fox Valley hospitals reaching 'breaking point' as COVID-19 omicron variant spreads, beg community to get vaccinated, boosted

APPLETON - Fox Valley doctors are begging community members to get vaccinated and watch for symptoms as the spread of the COVID-19 omicron variant threatens to overwhelm local hospitals.

Health care administrators and physicians told community leaders Monday that COVID-19 cases are expected to balloon to 2,000 per day by Jan. 18. The original surge in COVID-19 saw 700 to 800 new daily cases.

The omicron infections are causing 136 daily hospitalizations in the Fox Valley and are expected to increase to 150 to 160 by Jan. 18.

While the omicron variant causes less severe symptoms and shorter hospital stays on average, it’s much more contagious than previous strains and could put more pressure on health care systems because of the volume of cases.

“Up to 50 percent of people in our region could get omicron if the predictions hold true,” said Frank Mellon, ThedaCare senior innovation executive. “It won’t hospitalize as many in terms of percentage, but it will bring a lot of sheer numbers to places that could become overrun.”

Last week, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services reported the highest single-day increase in COVID-19 cases in the state at 12,000. The Fox Cities health care administrators expect that record to be broken again this week.

Lynn Detterman, senior vice president of ThedaCare south region, said health care facilities are boarding more patients in emergency departments, meaning they’re waiting for beds to open, she said.

The increasing caseload also is causing problems for patients who need care for procedures that aren’t related to COVID-19.

“The majority of patients that are in our ICU are unvaccinated,” she said. “This is the worst that we’ve seen in this pandemic.”

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The strain on hospitals is exacerbated by labor shortages, Detterman said. The health care industry is heavily affected because workers are retiring or looking for other work because of fatigue.

Health care facilities are partnering to handle the coming surge. While the infections threaten to overwhelm them, doctors and administrators say they hope the caseload will decline as quickly as it increases.

“This is a short-lived surge, and we can’t wait for that (decline) to happen, but we need your help now,” Detterman said.

Doctors said community members, above all, should stay home if they feel sick and seek the right care at the right time. People with mild symptoms should seek testing from a clinic, testing site or at-home tests rather than the emergency room.

Tom Nichols, Ascension Wisconsin pediatric hospitalist and regional chief medical officer, noted that the omicron variant could infect 10 more people through each new infection, whereas the delta strain infected one to two people with each new case.

“Every day for the past two years, we’ve been moving puzzle pieces around trying to figure out how to get every last patient the care they need,” he said. “We’re at the breaking point. We really need the community to help rally around the health care teams and reduce the strain by taking precautions.”

Brian Temple, infectious disease physician at Aurora Medical Center in Oshkosh, said 90% of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 are unvaccinated. Some patients have to decide whether to eat or breathe, and they need help to use the bathroom. The most effective way to protect against the disease, he said, is through vaccination and boosters.

Temple also encouraged community members to get flu vaccines.

“Really what we ask is just please, please, please get vaccinated and boosted,” he said. “We know the best way to avoid hospitalization and severe disease is vaccination.”

Temple reiterated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

  • Adults 18 and older can mix and match booster vaccines from manufacturers.

  • Adolescents 12 to 17 should get a booster shot five months after their first vaccination.

  • Adults who got the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines should get a booster six months after the first.

  • Adults who got Johnson & Johnson should get a booster two months after the first dose.

  • Wearing a mask and social distancing helps prevent the spread of COVID-19 indoors and outdoors.

Doug Gieryn, Winnebago County health officer, said COVID-19 testing is critical to controlling the spread, but it might be limited during the coming surge. People with limited or mild symptoms should stay home and get tested, Gieryn said. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services provides free at-home tests through its website.

“There are tens of thousands of people who are currently infected in the Fox Valley,” Gieryn said. “You should really anticipate that any public place you go to, COVID is present and may be transmitted.”

Contact Jake Prinsen at Follow him on Twitter at @PrinsenJake.

This article originally appeared on Appleton Post-Crescent: Wisconsin COVID-19: Omicron variant will overrun Fox Valley hospitals