Frackville Elks mark Flag Day

Jun. 13—Frackville Elks Lodge 1533 held its annual Flag Day ceremony on Sunday. Lodge officers were joined by members of multiple Veterans of Foreign Wars posts, including Post 7654, Ashland; Post 3975, Auburn; and Post 6982, Coaldale; as well as American Legion Post 398, Frackville; Boy Scout Troop 745, Ashland; and Cub Scout Pack 652, Pitman, in conducting the ceremony.

The keynote speaker and guest of honor this year was state Rep. Tim Twardzik, R-123, Butler Twp. He gave a speech on respect for the flag and honoring those who serve under our American flag. Community members and Elks members in attendance were treated to food and refreshments following the special ceremony.

The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is the only fraternal organization to require a formal observance of Flag Day. According to the Elks' website, in July 1908, the Elks Grand Lodge provided for the annual nationwide observance of Flag Day on June 14 each year, making it mandatory for each subordinate lodge throughout the country.

June 14 was officially established as Flag Day by a proclamation by President Woodrow Wilson in 1916. Flag Day was not a national observance until 1949 — President Harry Truman, a member of the Elks himself, was inspired to sign an act of Congress that dedicated June 14 to the symbol of our country.