Frank Buck Zoo to host 5K to benefit giraffe conservation fund

May 29—The Frank Buck Zoo will host its second annual Giraffe Day 5K on June 24.

This event is part of a worldwide effort to raise money and awareness for the Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF).

"This is the GCF's fourth year to have 5K Runs on their behalf, and it is the second year the FBZ has hosted the event. Last year Frank Buck Zoo had 65 participants between the cross country 5K run and those walking 5K around the zoo," said FBZ Zoological Director Susan Kleven. "Since we joined late in the game and had limited planning time last year, we felt like that was a pretty good turnout. With more time to plan this year and the addition of chip to chip for timing for our runners, Krootz brewery as partner providing a beverage for adult participants, and a cool new medal we look forward to both returning and new participants."

The event is scheduled to be near World Giraffe Day, which will be earlier in the week.

"World Giraffe Day is an exciting annual event initiated by GCF to celebrate the tallest animal on the longest day or night (depending on which hemisphere you live) of the year, June 21, every year," said Kleven. "Not only is it a worldwide celebration of these amazing and much-loved animals, but an annual event to raise support, create awareness and shed light on the challenges giraffe face in the wild."

Giraffe populations have been decreasing in the past few decades.