Frank White: Don’t fall for misleading politics over Jackson County tax assessments | Opinion

Dear Jackson County neighbors,

As your county executive and a fellow homeowner, I know how much our homes mean to us. They’re not just buildings; they’re where we build our lives. That’s why I understand the worry many feel about our current property reassessment.

Under Missouri law, we must reassess the more than 300,000 properties in our county every two years. This state-mandated process is designed to ensure that every homeowner pays a fair share of taxes based on their home’s actual value.

In the past, the county didn’t always meet the mark, leading to some homes being undervalued and a tax burden unevenly carried by our community. Our County Assessor Gail McCann Beatty and her diligent team are working hard to rectify this, resulting in necessary adjustments to property values.

If you believe your home’s new assessed value doesn’t reflect its true worth, please appeal. Gail and her team have streamlined the appeal process to make it as accessible as possible.

Regrettably, in the midst of this challenging process, some are choosing to mislead rather than guide. A proposal by a county legislator to cap increases at 15% is not only illegal but irresponsible. Proposing an unattainable solution is a disservice to our community and a reckless attempt to win political points. We need leaders who promote clarity, not confusion.

I want to assure you that the county will not profit from these reassessments. Instead, it is about redistributing the tax burden so that people pay only their fair share.

I empathize with the concern this process brings, but we must remember that this reassessment is about achieving fairness. It’s about ensuring everyone pays only what they should, based on their home’s true value.

We are Jackson County — a community known for meeting challenges head-on, with unity and commitment to fairness. We cannot forget that we’re not just complying with a state mandate but also paving the way for a more balanced, equitable Jackson County.

Frank White Jr. is county executive of Jackson County.