Frank’s RedHot Made A Queso Dip Seasonig Mix And I’ll Be Eating It By The Spoonful

Photo credit: Instagram/junkfoodinthetrunk3
Photo credit: Instagram/junkfoodinthetrunk3

From Delish

If you are a fan of making Buffalo Chicken Dip for any occasion, you've probably followed the recipe on the back of the Frank's RedHot bottle. But now the company is making your dip recipes even easier, with seasoning mixes to make all sorts of stuff.

These mixes were spotted by Instagrammer @FoodieWithTheBeasts back in October and from the looks of it, there are two; one for ranch dip (they're coming for you, Hidden Valley!) and one for queso dip. For the ranch dip, you'll just mix it with sour cream and for the queso spice blend, you just add it to milk, tomatoes, and cheese to whip up a dip. Truly simple!

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If you really wanna get fancy, I think these would both be incredible to add to Buffalo Chicken Dip. Think about it: There is usually ranch, cheese, and hot sauce in it so what could be easier than keeping these around to whip up a quick dip. @Junkfoodinthetrunk3 on Instagram also spotted the queso mix more recently, and said it's a great option for summertime barbecues.

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OK yeah, you're probably still going to need hot sauce and other stuff, but this will seriously punch up the flavor. Frank's even provided a Buffalo Mac And Cheese recipe on its site (using the queso mix) that you're going to want to try.

FoodieWithTheBeasts found these at Safeway, but you can also order them on Amazon or find them at Kroger, Food4Less, and other grocery stores via Instacart. All you have to do is start dreaming up what cheesy, ranch-y concoctions you can make with these.

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