Free COVID Test Kits Available Again In Washington

WASHINGTON — Washington's portal for free COVID-19 antigen test kits reopened Monday, a little more than a week after the first batch of orders were delivered to 340,000 households across the state.

In a news release, officials said the first 1.4 million kits in the state's stockpile were claimed in just eight hours after the web portal was unveiled on Jan. 21. Each household is eligible to receive up to five tests from the state's website, which are delivered for free by Amazon. During the first distribution, some kits arrived within one day.

"We are thrilled to be able to open the portal for the second time this month to increase access to these tests statewide," said Dr. Umair Shah, state Secretary of Health. "We thank our partners at Care Evolution and Amazon for their support in making this happen."

With the second batch of tests, the state is aiming to reach another 120,000 households.

In addition to the tests offered by the state, residents can also order kits from the federal program, seek them out at retailers and pharmacies or book an appointment at testing locations across the state. Those who test positive using a rapid test have the option to report their result to the state's COVID-19 hotline by calling 1-800-525-0127, and residents who use the WA Notify app can also record their results there.

"Increasing access to rapid tests is an important part of slowing the spread of COVID-19, because when more people use home tests, they're able to limit their contact with others when they test positive," said Lacy Fehrenbach, the state's Deputy Secretary for COVID Response. "Knowing your status is key — if you test positive, you should stay home from school or work."

Residents find more information and order the free test kits using a simple form on the "Say Yes! COVID Test" website.

This article originally appeared on the Seattle Patch