Free Flu Shots At Bonney Lake High School Thursday

BONNEY LAKE, WA — State health leaders say the flu shot is more important amid the coronavirus pandemic than it ever was before.

Medical professionals have been sounding the alarm, that an influx of new flu patients is the last thing our medical system needs while its already dealing with a number of COVID-19 patients.

"While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect our daily lives, autumn brings with it another unwanted visitor -- the flu," the health department writes. "The presence of both viruses could put more people in the hospital and strain Washington's health care system. While we don't yet have a vaccine to prevent COVID-19, we do have one to prevent flu."

To make sure as many people are protected against the flu as possible, Pierce County has organized a number of free flu vaccination events, the next of which is Thursday at Bonney Lake High School.

The event runs from 2:30-5:30 p.m. in the lot outside the high school at 10920 199th Ave. Ct. E.

The vaccine is available for everyone 6 months or older, and the county says it can be performed without even needing to leave your car. Visitors are asked to wear both masks and short sleeves, so they can easily get their shot. Children under three should wear shorts.

The vaccine is free for anyone under 18, young adults and anyone without insurance. Anyone with insurance should bring their card, and their insurance will be billed for the shot.

Guidance from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows the best time to get vaccinated is between September and October, so it's better to get these shots sooner rather than later, though if the flu season persists past October it's never too late to get the vaccine.

Related: Flu Activity Low Across Pierce County, Good News Amid Pandemic

This article originally appeared on the Bonney Lake-Sumner Patch