Freedom and opportunity is 'the Florida Way'

Rep. Paul Renner speaks during a School Choice rally in the Capitol courtyard Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2022.
Rep. Paul Renner speaks during a School Choice rally in the Capitol courtyard Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2022.
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Elections represent voters’ choice of direction. But whether voters get what they want depends on the leaders they elect. Leadership is everything. And leaders must address the unique challenges of the moment. Where have we come in terms of our direction and leadership and where are we headed to address the challenges of this moment?

I believe we are always moving in one of two fundamental directions: toward greater freedom and the opportunity it brings or away from freedom, accepting the false promises of know-it-all elites who stand ready and willing to control every aspect of our lives. On almost any issue, you can see that choice of direction in what we could call the Florida Way versus the California Way.

For example, during COVID, California decided that some businesses and workers were essential while some were not. In Florida, we said everyone is essential. California’s masking of children with little risk from COVID damaged them both academically and psychologically. Florida quickly returned students to in-person learning. The California Way says parents have no business knowing what is taught to their children in school. Florida understands that parents are responsible for raising their children and should not be shoved aside. California embraces woke prosecutors who object to their main role: prosecuting criminals. Florida stands for victims and sends criminals straight to prison.

In terms of leadership, a mere 30,000 votes separated Andrew Gillum and Ron DeSantis in 2018. Gillum would have followed the California Way and its draconian response to COVID-19. Had Charlie Crist won in 2022, he would have empowered activists to indoctrinate our children and restrict the role of parents in the classroom. Instead, we twice elected Ron DeSantis. Leadership matters.

In 2023, the Florida Legislature will further strengthen freedom and opportunity for those we serve. As we assess the challenges of this moment, affordability is front and center. To ease the burden on our citizens, we will pursue reforms to make housing more attainable, actively oppose political movements that raise fuel prices and electric bills and provide significant tax relief for struggling families and working men and women.

Days after swearing in our new legislature, we got to work to solve problems in a special session. We appropriated recovery funds and relief to the victims of last year’s hurricanes, created toll discounts for our daily commuters and began the process of healing our troubled property insurance market.

Florida House Speaker Paul Renner
Florida House Speaker Paul Renner

The Florida Way empowers all Floridians with the freedom to pursue their dreams in a climate that promotes prosperity, expands opportunity and preserves our quality of life. In doing so, we are always guided by common sense American principles about individual rights, the importance of families, the proper role of government and adherence to the rule of law. As a result, we will always reject The California Way and its insatiable desire for elite control over every aspect of society.

Instead, we will harness the power of educational freedom to drive innovation and improve all our schools, so our children can reach their full potential. We’ll strengthen parental rights and protect school children from age-inappropriate material that robs them of their innocence.

We will require the state’s pension fund to forgo the woke dogma of the ESG movement and focus on protecting workers’ retirement funds. We will also demand an end to DEI in our colleges and universities that is demanding ideological conformity at the expense of the free exchange of ideas.

Finally, we will invest in preserving the natural beauty and resources that make Florida so special, pursuing a long-term approach to address Florida’s water resources, transportation, land conservation and resilience needs.

Along with our great governor, and leaders like Senate President Kathleen Passidomo, the stars are aligned for a big session. We will expand and strengthen freedom and opportunity for all Floridians. You chose the Florida Way, and we will deliver!

Florida House Speaker Paul Renner (R-Palm Coast) was first elected to office in 2015 and currently serves as Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives for the 2023 and 2024 Legislative Sessions.

This article originally appeared on Sarasota Herald-Tribune: The Florida Way is showing the way toward freedom, opportunity