Fresno County highlights special program for Men’s Health Awareness Month | Opinion

As we have entered Men’s Health Awareness Month this November, it’s crucial to highlight not only men’s physical health but also their emotional and social well-being.

An often overlooked yet vital aspect of men’s emotional health is their role as fathers. Despite the growing recognition of a father’s significant influence on their child’s life, societal and cultural norms often undermine their contributions, perpetuating the misconception that parenting is solely a mother’s responsibility. This stereotype can result in fathers feeling excluded from parenting discussions, creating barriers that obstruct their active involvement in their children’s lives.

In our society, acknowledging and celebrating the pivotal role fathers play in their children’s well-being is essential. We must also provide fathers the necessary support to be fully engaged parents. This support includes not just emotional and moral backing, but practical resources and education that cater to the challenges and delights of fatherhood.

Fathers profoundly impact their children’s lives, fostering emotional, social, and cognitive development. Research indicates that children with actively involved fathers tend to excel academically, solve problems more effectively and avoid risky behaviors.

Additionally, fathers significantly contribute to their children’s confidence and self-esteem. For sons especially, fathers model healthy relationships and instill positive values. The unique bond between a father and child provides a sense of security, guidance and emotional support that lasts a lifetime.

Nevertheless, becoming an involved father can be challenging without proper guidance and resources. That’s where initiatives like the Fresno County Perinatal Equity Initiative come in.

In partnership with Fresno EOC, the Fresno County Perinatal Equity Initiative implemented the Proving Our Parenting Skills (POPS 2.0) fatherhood program. POPS 2.0 supports fathers by providing resources that enhance their parenting skills, foster stronger relationships with their children, and improve their partnerships with their significant others.

The program follows the 24/7 DAD curriculum, a comprehensive and practical guide that equips fathers with the necessary skills to excel as parents and partners. However, the support that POPS 2.0 offers extends beyond the emotional and relational aspects of parenting. The program provides practical benefits, such as diapers and essential baby items, resources that can significantly ease the financial stress new parents often face.

POPS 2.0 offers guidance on building financial credit and assistance in navigating the child support system. By connecting participants to other Fresno EOC programs, such as WIC and Head Start 0-5, the program ensures that fathers have access to a broad array of services and resources. Notably, the program also meets the minimum requirements for state mediation in family court, providing an invaluable resource for fathers seeking to maintain active roles in their children’s lives.

Furthermore, POPS 2.0 allows fathers the opportunity to connect with and learn from their peers. The program, which spans 12 modules over six weeks, aims to uplift and support the fathers in our community by creating a network of peers who can share experiences, challenges, and triumphs.

During Men’s Health Awareness Month, let’s widen our focus beyond physical health to encompass men’s vital role as fathers and partners. Championing fathers in our community can foster a healthier, more nurturing environment for our children.

By providing fathers with the tools they need, we can empower them to be the best parents they can be. Let’s celebrate and support our fathers.

Quentin Paramo is a health education specialist with the Fresno County Department of Public Health.