Fried chicken prices rise on South Korea's CPI

Yahoo Finance Live anchors break down which South Korean foods are experiencing inflation the most.

Video Transcript

AKIKO FUJITA: It is now time for our random story of the day, although you could argue this is kind of related to what we talk about. We're looking at the rising price of fried chicken in South Korea. This coming from recent CPI data in the country showing that fried chicken is now the second heaviest weightings of any dining item in the country's consumer price index.

This kind of caught our attention, Ines, this morning because, number one, we've seen the price spike, up more than 10% on the year. Part of the reason is because the country, as in South Korea, imports more than half of its food. They are reliant on sort of the moves that we're seeing globally. One interesting factor, one in every 20 restaurants in South Korea is a chicken eatery, right?


AKIKO FUJITA: I mean, anybody who's been to Seoul will know there's fried chicken everywhere. But I do think this is kind of interesting when you look at just how heavily weighted fried chicken is.

INES FERRE: Completely and how popular it is there. And here, it seems that consumers tend to trade down when they're buying chicken instead of beef because beef is more expensive. And so then you have that sort of treat. But it's a popular item there. And so it also goes to show you that there are some items which are just indispensable. That no matter how much they go up, a consumer will prefer--

AKIKO FUJITA: They're just not willing to give it up.

INES FERRE: They're not willing to give it up. They're willing to give up some other items, perhaps, than that.

AKIKO FUJITA: Another fun fact, by the way-- and you can tell I really looked into this fried chicken stat for South Korea. South Korea number three globally behind the US and China in terms of fried chicken revenue, which, by the way, when you think about population, I mean, that's a pretty significant weighting there, but I think that chart there interesting. Sashimi is the number one rating--

INES FERRE: Ah, yes.

AKIKO FUJITA: --in terms of CPI, followed by fried chicken, beef barbecue, pork rib barbecue. By the way, kimchi stew-- a lot of people know kimchi-- at the very middle of it. So just something to think about.
