Frost linked to climate change pressures Colombian farmers

Climate change is laying waste to farm pastures and crops in Colombia's Andean mountain region this winter.

Unusually low temperatures in the high altitude areas are causing heavy frost and destroying the regions potato crops.

Just a few weeks earlier, farmer Pedro Gomez's potato plants were green and healthy.

Now, he says, it looks as though his plants have been sprayed with herbicide and completely burned.

The frost is caused by thermal inversion, including rapid cooling of the ground on clear nights.

And Colombia's environment minister says those plunging temperatures are linked to climate change, with dry weather leading to colder temperatures overnight.

The frost is also hitting dairy farmers, killing grass that cows depend on to produce milk.

In the face of this new reality, farmers in Colombia say they are doing what they can to hang on.

Dairy farmers are heating up their equipment to keep cattle comfortable.

And those potato farmers in the Andes are simply hoping for less frost next year.
