Frying a turkey for Thanksgiving? This Louisville man wants to turn your used oil into fuel

Editor's note: This story was first published in 2020.

Happy Thanksgiving from our table ... to a truck driver in Europe?

If you're frying your turkey in Louisville this year, that's a real possibility where the oil turning your bird into a savory, crackling holiday centerpiece might end up.

While many of us are dreaming up socially distant plans for the holiday and making smaller menus than usual because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Todd Bluechel is more focused on what happens after the meal. He's not looking for leftovers for lunch, though. The local sustainability enthusiast has got his mind on the grease in your turkey fryer and how to keep it out of the Ohio River.

Bluechel works for Oil-Tech, a small family-owned, Louisville-based company that recycles cooking oil. Whether you're frying hundreds of pounds of fish at a church during Lent or french fries at a bar, it can all be transformed into biodiesel, a renewable, clean-burning alternative that can be used in diesel engines. Not unlike recycling paper, his restaurant clients in Louisville deposit used cooking oil in a special container, and then his company picks it up for the recycling process. Once it's transformed into fuel, it's often sold overseas to help power vehicles.

Rewind two years ago, though, and running used cooking oil from a fried Thanksgiving turkey through a truck engine wasn't the wild part for Bluechel.

Todd Bluechel was pleased with the finished product after he deep fried a turkey in his backyard in Louisville, Ky. on Nov. 8, 2020.  Bluechel is the v.p. of sales marketing business development for Oil-Tech, a company that recylcles used cooking oil.
Todd Bluechel was pleased with the finished product after he deep fried a turkey in his backyard in Louisville, Ky. on Nov. 8, 2020. Bluechel is the v.p. of sales marketing business development for Oil-Tech, a company that recylcles used cooking oil.

It was the idea of frying a turkey at all.

Born in Milwaukee and raised in San Diego, he'd never heard of frying a turkey, until he relocated to the Derby City in 2016. That's just not a Thanksgiving Day cooking technique that's popular on the often health-conscious West Coast, he told me. Most people just bake their birds.

But in 2018 his children came back from school with an unusual request.

"Hey papa, can you fry a turkey?"

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Not wanting to disappoint, he started talking with other parents at birthday parties and small gatherings about different frying techniques. With a background in sustainability, he fixated, too, on the cooking oil and where it goes once it's time to carve the bird.

No one, for the record, told him that all that cooking oil is recyclable and can be repurposed. That terrified him. Most turkeys require 2-5 gallons of oil for a good fry.

Instead, he learned about how at-home Thanksgiving Day fry cooks pour gallons of dirty oil down the drain, flush it down the toilet or dump it in the sewer. That's a move that clogs pipes and damages our city's infrastructure. When cooking oil is not disposed of properly, much of that grease can end up in our already polluted Ohio River where it poisons fish and wildlife.

When he first moved here, he'd looked forward to swimming in the river, but so many of the people he met discouraged it.

Now, hearing these horror stories about the oil, he had a much better understanding of why.

Todd Bluechel prepares to submerge a turkey into hot frying oil in his backyard in Louisville, Ky. on Nov. 8, 2020.  Bluechel is the v.p. of sales marketing business development for Oil-Tech, a company that recylcles used cooking oil.
Todd Bluechel prepares to submerge a turkey into hot frying oil in his backyard in Louisville, Ky. on Nov. 8, 2020. Bluechel is the v.p. of sales marketing business development for Oil-Tech, a company that recylcles used cooking oil.

"It was really freaking me out," he told me. "In doing my research I found out there is so much damage that it causes to the pipes in the city’s sewer system and that ends up in your river here."

So in 2018, he partnered with about 20 restaurant clients, such as Recbar, that keep his company's oil recycling containers on site. They also doubled as drop-off locations for families trying to get rid of their gallons of grease.

That worked for the first year, he said, but people were a little too unpredictable with when they'd drop the oil off. Originally he'd hoped families would bring in it, grab lunch, and in Recbar's case, play some games, and in general spend some money with his clients and then leave. Disposing of five gallons of oil in the middle of a lunch or dinner rush can complicate things, though.

So do me a favor, don't take your used oil to Recbar this Thanksgiving. Bluechel's got a different solution this year.

Last year, Oil-Tech teamed up with Louisville Metro's three recycling drop-off locations at Southwest Government Center at 7219 Dixie Highway, Central Government Center at 7201 Outer Loop and the East District Public Works at 595 N. Hubbards Lane to have more centralized drop-off locations for the public.

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Recycling cooking oil isn't a new thing for Louisville, said Karen Maynard, the public education supervisor for the Department of Public Works. Our local drop-off sites have been collecting it for years.

"We offer it all the time," she told me. "People fry different things all the time, but a turkey is so big there’s definitely a lot leftover."

The difference in working with Oil-Tech, though, is the amount of energy Bluechel has pushed into raising awareness for the program. They've done a few videos promoting the process and worked hard to get the word out so that people don't end up flushing their spent oil down the drain.

Todd Bluechel pours used cooking oil into a recycling receptacle in Louisville, Ky. on Nov. 10, 2020. Bluechel is the v.p. of sales marketing business development for Oil-Tech, a company that recycles used cooking oil.
Todd Bluechel pours used cooking oil into a recycling receptacle in Louisville, Ky. on Nov. 10, 2020. Bluechel is the v.p. of sales marketing business development for Oil-Tech, a company that recycles used cooking oil.

A lot has changed in the two years since Bluechel's twins asked him to fry a turkey.

Now he owns his own turkey fryer, and he can proudly say he played a part in keeping the 450 gallons of used cooking oil the city collection sites gathered around last Thanksgiving out of the river.

That number still seems low to him, though.

By his math, if roughly 15 percent of people hosting Thanksgiving dinner fry their turkeys — his company should collect more than 100,000 gallons, enough oil to fill about four and a half swimming pools.

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So for the next few weeks, he's going to be pushing out his recycling message and hoping it sticks. He estimates there are thousands of gallons of oil that end up in the wrong place each Thanksgiving.

And while he knows he'll probably never be able to swim safely in the Ohio River, he still believes it's important to do his part to keep it clean.

Frying a turkey is a newfound, delicious tradition for him and his now 10-year-old sons. He's learned all the basics, like dunking it in slowly so that it doesn't explode.

He's hopeful that recycling the oil becomes just another part of the process for anyone else manning a turkey fryer this year, too.

Features columnist Maggie Menderski writes about what makes Louisville, Southern Indiana and Kentucky unique, wonderful, and occasionally, a little weird. If you've got something in your family, your town or even your closet that fits that description — she wants to hear from you. Say hello at or 502-582-7137. Follow along on Instagram and Twitter @MaggieMenderski.

Full-Service Recycling Drop-Off Locations

WHEN: Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Holidays may affect the hours.)


  • Southwest Government Center, 7219 Dixie Highway

  • Central Government Center, 7201 Outer Loop

  • East District Public Works, 595 N. Hubbards Lane

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: Deep fried turkey: How to recycle oil in your deep fryer Thanksgiving