Fun and inexpensive ways to celebrate the Christmas season in a stress-free manner

It’s the holiday season! What is your stress level?

Are you looking for fun and inexpensive ways to celebrate the holiday season in a stress-free manner? Well-known life coach, Tony Robbins, offers some good advice on kid friendly activities for the holidays. (Some of these you can do without a kid — just be a kid yourself!).

Laura Schultz Pipis
Laura Schultz Pipis

Think about how many of these activities you have actually completed over the years!!

1. Make gingerbread houses — I confess I have never tried this! On my bucket list…

2. Holiday lights tour — Michigan International Speedway, the Toledo Zoo Lights and the Indian Creek Zoo in Temperance are some options.

3. Pinecone bird feeder — Using a pinecone, smear it with peanut butter, dip it in bird seed, hang it up!

4. Decorate your front door (or your child’s door) like a present — I’ve done that at work before!

5. Holiday movie night — Select your favorites or just tune into the Hallmark Channel!

6. Popcorn and cranberry garland — I haven’t strung popcorn in years and never tried the cranberries.

7. Red and green paper chains — I remember making these in grade school! This time, write on each one something you’re grateful for. 

8. Go caroling — Our church choir carols to our shut-ins each year, and we visit a retirement home. It is a great way to get in the holiday spirit — guaranteed!

9. Attend a holiday production — I can never forget the year my niece (age 3?) got so caught up in being a Christmas angel she fell off the risers. Luckily, the riser wasn’t very high!

10. Make ornaments — Lots of ways to be creative — Google it!

11. Play in the snow — Remember when we were kids and our moms kicked us outside to play in the snow??

12. Donate gently-used toys — Donate them to a local shelter.

13. Send holiday cheer to military members or veterans — Check with your local veterans center, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion or Visiting Angels, which has an adopt-a-vet program!

14. Advent calendar — A fun way to get a piece of daily chocolate and reflect on the meaning of the season!

15. Paper snowflakes — Remember making these??

16. Make cookies or other holiday treats — This is an annual tradition I carry on in memory of my mother. My aunts (her sisters) come over each year to help decorate the sugar cut-outs.

17. Holiday party games — My husband, brothers, and stepson LOVE board games anytime!

18. Write letters to Santa — Help a little one practice their letter-writing skills. A lost art, I think!

19. Visit a living nativity — Check local churches for these solemn events.

20. Make colored play dough — Google this recipe!

21. Sit on Santa’s lap at the mall — You’re never too old to take a photo with Santa!

22. Have a family slumber party under the tree — My brothers and I used to lay under the Christmas tree to appreciate the lighted wonder.

23. Have a fancy dinner — For a small or big crowd!

24. Roast marshmallows or chestnuts — I have never tried roasted chestnuts, but I have plenty of experience with marshmallows!

25. Give to the United Way!

Giving helps to alleviate stress — remember to take a moment and give financially. Year-end giving is really a “thing.” Many nonprofits depend on the financial boost of year-end giving to provide much needed services. (Not to mention it’s the last opportunity to give donations for tax purposes in 2022).

Many nonprofits depend on the fundraising efforts of the United Way, so this is a great time to consider giving through us. We utilize local community volunteer leaders to make our funding decisions. Not only does the funding stay local, but local folks make our funding decisions. If not us, then please give to a good, local nonprofit organization!

The United Way funds 10 local Lenawee County agency programs and serves as a donor designation vehicle for 30-plus additional agencies.

All funds raised in Lenawee County stay in Lenawee County.

We appreciate your support to help fight poverty, homelessness, food insecurity, mental health and substance use disorders, domestic violence and other important community needs.

For more information about donating to the United Way, please contact us. Call us at 517-264-6821, email, visit us at 136 E. Maumee St., Suite 15, Adrian, MI 49221 or visit our website at Visit our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok social media platforms, too.

Laura Schultz Pipis is the executive director of the United Way of Monroe/Lenawee Counties.

This article originally appeared on The Daily Telegram: United Way Column: Fun and inexpensive ways to celebrate Christmas