Funniest Parents On Twitter: These 23 Parents Made Us Laugh On Social Media This Week

Remember when long weekends meant you caught up on your sleep?

Me neither.

Grab a leftover red, white, and blue sprinkle cookie and a beverage of your choice. We'll bring the laughs.

Don't even ask how the dogs are doing.

Water, water, everywhere!

Every time.

PSA: July 4th is just one day.

Like WWE, but meaner.


Oh no.

"Ah, OK."

True story.

So different.

We just work for them.

Now this is a good plan.

0/10. Would not recommend.

Maybe tomorrow?

Mixed messages.

It's a "rule."

I won't be taking questions at this time.

I tried.


Farewell, Planet Fitness!

Same thing, really.

Why not, though?

This was not something I expected when I was expecting.

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