The Funny Business of Parenting- Serious Parental Advice: Don’t forget to laugh!

Even in the face of impending death, doom or the realization that a scamp has eaten the last double fudge cookie in the house, it’s possible to laugh about something so hysterically that one’s chest hurts.

This is important to know because life as a parent inevitably involves indoor graffiti, vomit on the rug, funerals for hamsters, digital angst and continued prayer that a child will contribute to society and not still live in your basement at the age of 40. Also, that sweaty, pimpled, smart-mouthed gorilla who was such an adorable and loving toddler might also in fact one day tell you he hates your guts.

Humor in the household is important for bonding and to reduce stress and worry.
Humor in the household is important for bonding and to reduce stress and worry.

While it’s impressive that you’ve taught your tykes to eat with utensils and not run naked into traffic, if they, too, can find humor during dark times, you may be one smarty-pants parent. Interestingly, after years of debate over whether a sense of humor is innate or learned, experts have concluded that it can be both. Hopefully, they are now researching how and why anyone would come up with a kid product involving both glitter and slime, which is not funny at all and must be stopped.

Meanwhile, humor in the household is important for bonding and to reduce stress and worry. It is best to realize this ahead of time because at some point, all children are struck by the need to wander off in search of something large and valuable to flush down the toilet. If you have not shared a joke or two and bonded with your inquisitive demons by then, this may feel like a serious affront.

Yukking it up also helps get kids to do what you want, like getting bath toys out of the tub, “quick before they turn into exploding firecrackers.” When this activity results in an object being hurled into your left eye, laughing at yourself teaches another invaluable life lesson: don’t take things too seriously. When the ambulance arrives, at least the kids are clean.

Joking around can address hijinks of a more dire nature too, such as children fighting over a toy and disturbing the peace. For example, you can confiscate said toy and say, “Where did you find that? I need it for the meatloaf tonight.”

On the other hand, you do not have to be a comedian to model a sense of humor. In fact, try sitting on the living room floor and have a good cry – some kids may actually think this is hysterically funny, particularly if you have also broken a limb tripping over their electric truck that will not stop honking. Apparently, seeing a parent in midair brings on the giggles.

Pam J. Hecht is a writer, instructor and mother of two (but not necessarily in that order). Reach her at or

This article originally appeared on Asheville Citizen Times: The Funny Business of Parenting- Serious Parental Advice: Don’t forget to laugh!