Funny Conversation Starters To Keep The Party Going

This list of funny conversation starters is an introvert's guide to socializing at a party. Pictured: A person at a party holding up a beer in the air and grinning.
This list of funny conversation starters is an introvert's guide to socializing at a party. Pictured: A person at a party holding up a beer in the air and grinning.

Mingling at a party or gathering is often dreaded by introverted people. It can really be awkward for anyone as breaking the ice is tough when talking to someone new or someone you do not know well. Luckily, this list is here to help lighten the mood with these funny conversation starters.

You should definitely tune into this list if you’re going to be the host of the gathering. Making sure everyone is getting along and is entertained can start to get exhausting, but it’s your job as the host. However, you don’t have to worry. These 100 funny conversation starters are here for when you need to regain the room and your social battery is getting low.

Here Are 100 Funny Conversation Starters

If you could have any superpower, but it had to be completely useless, what would it be?

What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in public and managed to get away with?

If animals could talk, which one do you think would be the funniest to have a conversation with?

If you were a flavor of ice cream, what would your name be, and what toppings would you come with?

What’s the strangest food combination you secretly enjoy?

If you could swap lives with a fictional character for a day, who would it be and why?

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be, and how quickly would you get tired of it?

If your pet could suddenly talk, what’s the first question you’d ask them?

What’s the weirdest item you’ve ever bought online while drunk or half-asleep?

If you were a professional wrestler, what would your stage name and signature move be?

The Perfect Time To Show Off A Party Trick

What’s the most bizarre talent you possess that not many people know about?

If you had to survive a zombie apocalypse with only three items from your kitchen, what would you choose?

What’s the funniest prank you’ve ever pulled on someone, or had pulled on you?

If you were a character in a sitcom, what would your catchphrase be?

If you could swap lives with an inanimate object for a day, what would it be and why?

If you could time travel to any period in history just for the food, when and where would you go?

What’s the most ridiculous fashion trend you’ve ever tried to pull off?

If you could have a one-hour conversation with any historical figure, who would it be, and what would you ask them?

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever found at the bottom of your bag or purse?

If you were a character in a comedy movie, what would your character’s quirky trait be?

Use These Funny Conversation Starters To Set A Silly, Goofy Mood

If you could replace your arms with any inanimate objects, what would they be, and why?

In a world where gravity is optional, what’s the first ridiculous thing you’d try?

If you had to live in a giant bubble for a year, what three items would you take with you to stay entertained?

If you had a pet dragon, what would you name it, and how would you explain your choice to your neighbors?

If you could replace all the trees in the world with one type of plant, what plant would it be, and why?

What if every time you blinked, you teleported to a random location? How would you adapt to this bizarre life?

If you could attend a school for talking animals, which subject would you teach, and which animal would be your star pupil?

If you could switch places with a famous landmark for a day, which one would you choose, and what message would you leave for tourists?

If you could have a personal theme song that played whenever you entered a room, what would it be, and how would it affect your daily life?

If you had to create a new national holiday, what would it celebrate, and how would people celebrate it?

If you could design a fashion line inspired by fruits and vegetables, what would be your signature fruit-themed accessory?

What if our pets had their own secret society and held annual meetings to discuss us? What would they say about you?

If you were a character in a video game, what would your special power-up be, and how would it help you on your quest?

If you could make one animal the ruler of the world, which animal would you choose, and what kind of laws would they implement?

If you had to create a new Olympic sport, what would it be, and what would the rules be?

If you could replace your feet with any animal’s feet, which animal would you choose, and how would it affect your daily life?

If you could become a professional food taster, which bizarre food combination would you be known for loving?

If you could have a personal cloud that followed you around and rained your favorite beverage, what would that beverage be?

If you could replace all cars with a different mode of transportation, what would it be, and how would traffic jams look?

If you had to create a new language made entirely of animal sounds, what would be the first sentence you’d teach someone in your new language?

Make Fun Of The Hilarity Of Dating

If you could have a romantic dinner date with any fictional character, who would it be, and what would you talk about?

What’s your most hilarious “first date gone wrong” story? We all have one!

If you had to write a dating profile for your pet, what would it say?

What’s your go-to cheesy pickup line, and has it ever actually worked for you?

If your love life were a movie, what would its title be, and who would play you in the lead role?

Would you rather have the ability to read minds on a first date or erase all awkward silences with a clap like in a sitcom?

If you could create a dating app for your dream partner, what unique features would it have?

What’s the strangest or most surprising thing you’ve learned about someone on a first date?

If you could receive relationship advice from any historical figure, who would it be, and what do you think they’d say?

If you could have a romantic dinner with your celebrity crush, what dish would you cook to win their heart?

Embarrassing Stories Make The Most Funny Conversations

What’s your funniest “meet the parents” story, whether you were the one meeting them or they were meeting your parents?

If you could go on a double date with any famous couple (real or fictional), who would you choose, and why?

What’s the most unconventional place you’ve ever been on a date, and did it lead to a memorable story?

If you could invent a gadget to improve dating, what would it do, and how would it help people find love?

What’s your strategy for dealing with an awkward silence on a date? Share your secret!

If your relationship status were a flavor of ice cream, what flavor would it be, and why?

What’s the most unusual dating app profile you’ve ever come across?

If you were a character on a dating reality show, what would your catchphrase be when things get dramatic?

What’s your stance on ghosting: fair game or dating faux pas?

If your love life had a user manual, what would be the top three must-know tips listed inside?

How To Make Talking About Work Entertaining

If you could replace your boss with any fictional character, who would you choose and why?

What’s the strangest office tradition or inside joke at your workplace that outsiders wouldn’t understand?

If your job had a mascot, what would it be, and what would its catchphrase be?

What’s the weirdest office supply you’ve ever “borrowed” and never returned?

If you could give your job a new job title that better reflects what you actually do, what would it be?

What’s your go-to excuse for sneaking out of a boring meeting or conference call?

If your work email had an out-of-office auto-reply with complete honesty, what would it say?

If your work computer had a ‘boss button’ that instantly turned your screen into a fake spreadsheet, what would you use it for?

If you could have any job in the world for one day, what would it be, and why?

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever found in the office fridge, and did anyone claim it?

What’s the most creative excuse you’ve ever used for being late to work?

If your coworkers were characters from a sitcom, who would play each role, and what would be their catchphrases?

What’s the funniest or most ridiculous request you’ve ever received from a coworker?

If your office had a theme song that played every time you entered, what would it be, and how would it change the work atmosphere?

If you could hire a celebrity to be your personal office assistant, who would it be, and what tasks would you delegate to them?

What’s your best “office survival kit” item for dealing with those particularly tough workdays?

If you could invent a new public holiday dedicated to working professionals, what would it be called, and how would it be celebrated?

What’s the most ridiculous office jargon you’ve ever heard, and did you secretly make up a meaning for it?

If your work email had a ‘sarcasm’ font, how often would you use it?

If you had to give a TED Talk about the art of procrastination, what would be your key points?

Funny Ways To Bring Family Into Conversation

If your family had a reality TV show, what would it be called, and who would be the breakout star?

What’s the funniest childhood memory your family loves to bring up at gatherings?

What’s the funniest “you had to be there” story involving your friends or family that you can share?

What’s the most hilarious nickname your family or friends have given you, and what’s the story behind it?

What’s the most outrageous thing you’ve done with your friends or family that you swore you’d never speak of again but can now laugh about?

If you could swap lives with a family member or friend for a day, who would it be, and what’s the first thing you’d do in their shoes?

What’s the most bizarre or hilarious thing your family or friends have convinced you to do?

If your pet could talk, what juicy family secrets do you think they’d spill?

What’s the weirdest tradition your friends or family have during holidays or special occasions?

If your group of friends were a band, what would your name be, and what instruments would you all play?

Funny Conversation Starters For Talking With New And Old Friends

What’s the most ridiculous inside joke your friends have, and can you share the backstory behind it?

If you had to choose one family member to be your partner in a hilarious dance-off competition, who would it be, and what dance moves would you both showcase?

If your friends or family had a secret handshake, what would it involve, and what would it signify?

What’s the silliest or most embarrassing photo your friends or family have of you that you wish would disappear forever?

If your family or friends had a national holiday dedicated to them, what would be the main activity, and what’s the traditional dish?

If you had to organize a talent show featuring your friends and family, what unique talents do you think they’d bring to the stage?

If your family and friends were all marooned on a desert island, who do you think would emerge as the leader, and why?

If your life were a sitcom, which family member or friend would be the voice of reason, and who would be the comic relief?

What’s the most hilarious text message or chat conversation you’ve had with your friends or family recently?

If your family had a motto, what would it be, and would you put it on a family crest?

The post Funny Conversation Starters To Keep The Party Going appeared first on 21Ninety.