The Future is Back: Real-Life, High-Tech Hoverboard Design

Elecro-magnetics, laser guidance systems, and … ?a splash of pink? For those of us ancients who date back to the eighties (or beyond), the dream of a hoverboard from Back to the Future went beyond adolescent fantasies of flying, past the brightly-colored board and to a vision of sleek design and liberating technology which we could ride into the future (or at least to school).

And now, here it is. The most surprising part may be, in fact, how unsurprised we are to see this real and working, truly-hovering skateboard that once seemed to us to defy all reasonable laws of physics.

Hovering via electromagnets, the key innovation is the laser-guided stabilization system that keeps it floating in one place rather than tilting one way, tipping another or flying off entirely … a definite upgrade from those childhood hovercraft toys that were always impossible to remote control correctly.

While not a direct duplicate of the movie classic version, the zig-zag pattern and use of pink and other atrociously 1980s-era colors clearly makes this a direct homage to the original – but perhaps the next version can look a little more timeless.

The post The Future is Back: Real-Life, High-Tech Hoverboard Design first appeared on Dornob.