Future Black History Makers: Meet Kendrick Gatling, an eighth-grader at Westover Middle

Kendrick Gatling, 13, the son of Shanelle Gatling and Joshua Bethea and grandson of Cheryl Gatling, is in eighth grade at Westover Middle School.

He was nominated as a Fayetteville Observer Future Black History Maker because "Kendrick is an exceptional student who possesses a heart that is as vast as his talents and his impact on our school community is immeasurable," writes his nominator Tera Francis-McLaughling (Robinson), special education teacher (autism) at Westover Middle School. "Kendrick's qualities make him a shining example of what this initiative aims to highlight. His compassion and kindness are boundless; he genuinely cares for everyone around him. Kendrick is not just a student; he is a pillar of support for his peers, functioning as a dedicated teacher's assistant. He assists his fellow students in reaching their learning goals, setting a standard of excellence both in academics and character. His artistic talents are awe-inspiring. Kendrick finds joy in drawing, coloring and crafting, and this creative spirit adds a unique and colorful dimension to our school environment. His love for music transcends mere enjoyment; he is, in fact, the best DJ I know. Kendrick effortlessly bridges the gap between generations with his song selections, bringing together old-school and new-school music in a way that captivates and unites. Kendrick is not just a follower but a leader, too. He takes pride in leading classroom lessons from time to time, showing confidence and a willingness to guide his peers to success. What I cherish most about Kendrick is his indomitable spirit. He does not allow his autism to hinder him. In fact, he is a living testament that disabilities do not define an individual. Kendrick's resilience and determination are truly remarkable. He draws inspiration from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose messages of equality and justice have profoundly influenced Kendrick. During Black History Month, Kendrick becomes a beacon of knowledge and passion, sharing his understanding of Dr. King's teachings with enthusiasm. As Kendrick prepares to transition to high school, his journey is a testament to his growth and readiness to embrace the next chapter of his life. I am filled with a bittersweet mix of sadness at losing him as a student and immense joy in knowing that he is well-prepared for the journey ahead. Kendrick's achievements bring not only pride to our school but also to his beloved grandmother, who has undoubtedly played a pivotal role in his journey. ... His unwavering kindness, exceptional talents, and profound determination make him a shining star in our school community."

Future Black History Maker: Kendrick Gatling, 13, attends Westover Middle and enjoys helping other people, especially his family and friends.
Future Black History Maker: Kendrick Gatling, 13, attends Westover Middle and enjoys helping other people, especially his family and friends.

Here's what else you should know about Kendrick.

All about Kendrick

What's your favorite subject in school? Science.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A music producer.

Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do for fun? Playing sports, listening to music, painting and teaching my dog new tricks.

What are you really good at doing? Mathematics (multiplication).

What's your favorite thing about yourself? I like to help other people, especially my friends at school and my family.

Who is your role model? My dad and grandfather (PawPaw).

If you could meet any famous person, who would it be and why? Martin Luther King because he wanted all people to be treated equally with love and not hate.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? New York because they have a lot of interesting places to visit and I can visit with my family too.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and how would you use it? To spread love and make people happy.

What's your favorite movie or TV show? "Watts Crew"

If you could eat one thing every day, what would it be? Barbecue chicken.

See the full list: Meet our 29 Future Black History Makers of Fayetteville for 2024

What his grandmother says

What makes your child a Future Black History Maker? Kendrick's love of music and people makes him a great candidate as a “Future Black History Maker.” Kendrick aspires to be a music producer. Music is the universal language of love and peace. It can bring people together, it can soothe a broken heart, it can also bring a message of hope to the hopeless. His love of helping people of all races and ages brings hope of a better future for the next generation. Upon meeting Kendrick for the first time brings about an instant connection of admiration and affection as he displays a caring spirit to all.

Why are you proud of your child?  I am extremely proud that Kendrick is an Honor Roll student. I am most proud of Kendrick because of his loving and caring spirit. His love of people and helping others brings great joy to others as well as to himself. He is very family-oriented and he loves spending time with his family members. Another quality I admire about Kendrick is his independence. Kendrick prefers to conquer/complete tasks on his own with little to no assistance. He doesn’t let his autism diagnosis stop him from learning new things. He defines the phrase “to know me is to love me.”

Responses have been edited for style and grammar.

This article originally appeared on The Fayetteville Observer: Fayetteville Future Black History Makers: Meet Kendrick Gatling