Gael García Bernal took to Twitter to find his father after the Mexico earthquake

People are looking for their loved ones in Mexico City and nearby areas after they were shaken by a powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake on Tuesday.

More than 100 people have died as a result of the quake, according to the Associated Press, and many are missing. So naturally, people have turned to social media to either look for their loved ones or transmit emergency messages.

SEE ALSO: Horrific videos capture terror of Mexico's latest earthquake

One such searcher is Mexican actor and director Gael García Bernal, who turned to Twitter to look for his father. The Mozart in the Jungle actor has been attending the Toronto Film Festival this week. His tweet, which went out on Tuesday, has since been deleted (but don't worry, there's good news ahead):

After a few hours, the actor tweeted a positive update, saying, "Darlings, they told me that my dad is fine. In some areas there is no light, no telephone, no good cell phone signal. Thanks for your support."

García Bernal then tweeted an hour later, "I repeat: my father is well and safe. Thank you all for your concern and support. With all my heart and with all my love, thank you."

García Bernal and his Canana Films cofounder, Mexican actor Diego Luna, have been actively retweeting emergency information and the tweets of people offering help in the form of cranes, vehicles, and tools. The two have also been posting their own messages of support for the people affected by the quake.

Luna tweeted, "Do not send photos or videos they saturate the mobile network. Free the streets of cars. Emergency services need to be able to move."

Luna then tweeted, "The metro and metrobus are working. Do not use your cars, free the streets for rescue vehicles. This is urgent."

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