Galt may allow retail cannabis sales after survey shows support. Here are the next steps

Galt city officials will consult public input regarding a potential lift on the city’s ban of retail cannabis sales in the form of two town hall meetings scheduled for next week.

Positive survey results from earlier this year prompted city officials to move forward with the next steps in their 2023 Cannabis Public Engagement plan. The city will host town hall meetings to gauge public opinion next Tuesday and Thursday at Galt Police Department headquarters, 455 Industrial Drive, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

A survey of 361 city residents earlier this year conducted by FM3, a California-based research company, “indicated a slight majority support to establish regulations that allow various forms of cannabis businesses to operate in Galt,” according to a council agenda report from Tuesday’s meeting.

Galt, home to more than 25,000 people, is currently one of 327 cities in California that prohibit the retail sale of marijuana it was legalized for recreational use in the state in 2016. Two of Sacramento County’s seven incorporated cities — Sacramento and Isleton — have legalized the retail sale of cannabis.

The California Department of Cannabis Control reported that 61% of cities and counties “do not allow any retail cannabis business.” Though marijuana is legal at the state level, city and county governments still have jurisdiction over the regulation of cannabis businesses.

The use of funds from Measure Q, a 1-cent sales tax passed by voters last November, will be the other topic of conversation during next week’s public forums.