Game Almost Over: Read the Best Fan Theories on How Game of Thrones Will End

Our watch is almost over, and the question of how Game of Thrones will wrap up its sprawling and epic story looms large.

With loose ends being tied up left and right, fans are coming up with their final theories on how the fate of Westeros will be determined. And they all seem just as possible as any other ending.

Read on for the three best theories about the series finale episode of Game of Thrones.

Jon Snow kills Daenerys Targaryen.

This one’s going to hurt if it comes true.

Despite their blossoming love and the fact that he bent the knee to her, Kit Harington‘s Jon Snow got a stark dose of reality when Emilia Clarke‘s Daenerys Targaryen went all Mad Queen and torched King’s Landing, even though the city had signaled its surrender to her forces.

Jon’s horrified and torn look for the rest of the episode has fans convinced that he will do what he feels is honorable and kill Dany himself. Or maybe he’ll do it to protect his family, especially Sophie Turner‘s Sansa Stark, who isn’t in good standing with the khaleesi.

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Either way, lots and lots of fans believe that is how the story will end, with Dany dead and Jon miserable because he had to kill the woman he loved.

Game of Thrones | Helen Sloan/HBO
Game of Thrones | Helen Sloan/HBO

Jamie Lannister is still alive.

After seasons of slow character development led to Jamie Lannister becoming a better man, viewers were shocked to see him leave Brienne of Tarth behind to go back into the loving arms of his sister Cersei the moment before they both perished.

But what if he didn’t?

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A theory floating around the internet after episode 5 hinges on Jamie maybe being alive, considering that none of the cast have posted farewell tributes to actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. The cast has been posting emotional farewells to the characters lost so far in the series, but despite the fact that Jamie and Lena Headey’s Cersei supposedly died at the same time, all the goodbye posts have been focused on Headey.

Even Coster-Waldau himself only posted selfies with Headey on Instagram and stayed mum on a goodbye to his character.

Need more proof? James Hibberd, the Thrones-extraordinaire over at PEOPLE’s sister site Entertainment Weekly, is at the center of another puzzling bit of evidence driving fans wild.

Hibberd has been diligently posting exit interviews with every major cast member whose character has died over the season. He even posted one with Headey and the Hound/Sandor Clegane actor Rory McCann, who also died in episode 5.

But where’s the exit interview with Coster-Waldau? Well, it seems Hibberd is keeping that one close to the vest for now.

When a fan on Twitter asked for an update on the interview, Hibberd replied with one line: “Holding that one for a bit…”

Those dots at the end of the sentence sure seem like something’s up.

Jon Snow becomes the Night King.

This one feels a little more far-fetched, given that Thrones seemed to have ended the White Walker storyline in the third episode when Maisie Williams’ Arya Stark out-tricked the Night King and plunged a Valyrian steel dagger into his heart.

Yet fans think it can’t have ended that easily, and the story’s most honorable hero will actually be forced to turn into the biggest baddie of them all.

The final episode of Game of Thrones airs Sunday at 9 p.m. on HBO.