Gardening advice: Be on the lookout for boxwood blight

My heart sank when a neighbor told me that her boxwoods had boxwood blight. Boxwood blight is a fungal disease that is spreading rapidly across North America. Boxwood blight causes black spots on leaves, stem cankers, and rapid defoliation. Symptoms often start low in the canopy or from the interior of the plant, where leaves and stems remain moist for longer periods of time. The primary means of spread is by movement of contaminated plants, but it can also be spread via pruning tools, clothing, equipment, animals running through the affected plants, and contaminated soil.

I first heard about this disease when on a garden tour in Europe around 2009. Then in 2014, I was visiting Levens Hall, one of the most beautiful gardens in the world, and they told me they lost miles of English boxwoods in their garden. All their beds were lined with small boxwoods and within 2 weeks, they were all dead. They were able to save some of the larger boxwoods but not the small edgings around all their beds. This was a real tragedy.

All boxwoods are susceptible to the disease but some are less likely to get it than others. It was first detected in the US in North Carolina in 2011, and soon after in Virginia. Boxwood blight is caused by the pathogen Calonectria pseudonavicu-latum, which can also affect other shade loving plants like sweet box and pachysandra. The pathogen infects the above ground parts of susceptible plants and causes rapid defoliation of leaves and dieback of stems. The first signs are light or dark brown circular lesions which is followed by dark brown to black cankers on the stems that can be diamond shaped or vertical streaks. These lesions are usually visible on both sides of the leaf. If conditions are right, masses of fuzzy, white-colored spores develop on the underside of infected leaves. Because the progression from leaf spots to defoliation happens so rapidly, the leaf spot stage may go unnoticed. Then the leaves drop to the ground.

Even though you might not have boxwood blight now, like me, you need to know what to do to prevent this disease from infecting your boxwoods. The first thing is to monitor your boxwoods much more closely than you have ever done before. If you hear of the disease in your area, monitor your boxwoods weekly to catch it before it becomes a problem. If the infection is in the early stages, cut off all affected branches and clean up debris. Burn them if permitted or double bag and put in the trash to go to the landfill. Do not compost infected foliage of any kind, especially boxwood blight.

I am not an expert and have learned what I know by reading articles from university’s publications where research has been done. Some experts say you might be able to keep boxwood blight at bay by spraying chlorothalonil-containing fungicide every 7 to 14 days during the growing season when humidity is high and especially when it is damp and hot. The fungus thrives in warm, humid weather and unlike other problems with boxwood, you start losing leaves at the base and it moves upward on the boxwood plant.

I went to visit the county extension agent who says he thinks that landscapers are one of the major ways it is spread. He mentioned that they do not sanitize their tools, between jobs plus they can carry it on their clothing from an infected area to a non-infected area. This made me realize that I have to be sure to clean my tools. He mentioned a way to sanitize tools was to clean tools with a 1:9 bleach to water mixture and wash clothing that comes into contact with infected plants. And to also start a routine of spraying boxwoods alternating chemicals that contain chlorothalonil or chlorothalonil mixed with thiophanate methyl.

If you suspect you have a limb that is affected, prune out the diseased stems, rake up fallen foliage and dispose of as I mentioned. It is also a good idea to apply fresh mulch beneath the plants to reduce the chances of reinfection from spores that could splash from the soil onto the foliage.

Other things that will minimize the risk are to avoid overhead watering. Keeping the foliage dry, when possible, because it helps prevent the fungal spores from taking hold. Make sure you sanitize your tools. Put a two-inch layer of mulch, like pine needles or pine bark and to spray with fungicides regularly when it is hot and humid.

All boxwoods are susceptible to the blight. The good news is that there are some that are less susceptible than others. While English boxwoods (Buxus sempervirens ‘Suffruicosa’) are the most prone, American boxwoods are somewhat less resistant, and the species microphylla, insularis, and harlandii are the most resistant to the disease. North Carolina State, and some other research universities have studied and have made suggestions as ones to look for to plant. I plant a lot of Wintergreen and Winter Gem, both are microphylla. ‘Wintergreen’ is a little brighter green and grows faster than ‘Winter Gem’. There could be others to add to this list, this is just the suggestions of Barlett. In the meantime, be vigilant and keep an eye on your boxwoods.

Barlett Tree Experts have put out a technical report listing the following as less inclined to get the fungus. They vary in size and shade of green.

  • Green Beauty

  • Dwarf Korean boxwood ‘Nana’

  • Golden Dream Littleleaf ‘Golden Dream’

  • ‘Green Gem’

  • Harland

  • ‘Winter Gem’

  • ‘Dee Runk’

Betty Montgomery is a master gardener and author of “Hydrangeas: How To Grow, Cultivate & Enjoy,” and “A Four-Season Southern Garden.” She can be reached at

This article originally appeared on Herald-Journal: What to do to prevent boxwood blight in a garden