Gardening: Want bigger and sweeter fruit? Our 10 tips for pruning fruit trees can help

Now is the time to prune fruit trees, including peach trees.
Now is the time to prune fruit trees, including peach trees.

Pruning fruit trees now can yield sweeter treats later

If you have fruit trees in your landscape, you should plan to prune them in the next couple of weeks, as early- to mid-March is the best time to perform the task.

March marks the end of the dormant period for fruit trees in Ohio and at this time, trees are not actively growing, the risk for cold injury on wounds is low, and there is less risk of infection from pathogens.

Mike Hogan
Mike Hogan

The primary purpose of pruning for fruit trees is to increase sunlight penetration, remove less productive wood, and to shape the crown of the tree into an efficient, stable form.

If trees are not pruned, the quantity of fruit produced might be greater, but the overall quality of the fruit will be reduced. Pruning increases the size of individual fruit, promotes uniform ripening, increases sugar content, and can reduce insect and disease problems by allowing faster drying following a rainfall.

Proper dormant season pruning of fruit trees will result in higher quality fruit.
Proper dormant season pruning of fruit trees will result in higher quality fruit.

Pruning and training systems

Young fruit trees (1 to 5 years old) need to be trained so that the framework of growth is desirable for both growth and harvest. Most fruit trees are trained to a central leader system, while peach, plum, and apricot trees are normally trained to an open center system. A central leader system includes a strong central trunk around which side branches called scaffolds should be arranged with wide angle branch crotches.

Tips for pruning fruit trees
Tips for pruning fruit trees

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A modified central leader system is where the tree is cut back every winter and a new central leader shoot is selected each spring. The top center of modified central leader trees is often thinned out for better light penetration into the interior of the tree canopy.

Types of pruning cuts

When pruning fruit trees there are two types of cuts: heading and thinning. Thinning should be done yearly to remove limbs or shoots at the point of origin along an older branch. Thinning cuts do not cause vegetative growth and are preferred for minimizing tree size and for removing excess shoots. Thinning cuts are important to increasing light penetration and to removing competing or crowding shoots or limbs.

Heading cuts are typically made in the first couple of years following tree planting and removes the terminal buds and encourages shoot development below the cut. Heading cuts shorten and stiffen branches, which become scaffolds.

Pruning tips
Pruning tips

Pruning young fruit trees

When young fruit trees are pruned with heading cuts, the resulting new growth after several weeks will be vigorous and upright with narrow crotch angles. To prevent this and encourage wider crotch angles, you will need to force the new shoots to a more horizontal growth pattern.

When 2 or 3 inches of new growth occurs, position wooden, spring-type clothespins between the main trunk or branch and the new succulent growth. The clothespins will force the new growth outward and upward and form the strong crotch angles needed to support the fruit load in years to come. You can remove the clothespins later in the spring.

10 tips for pruning success

Follow these guidelines for pruning any type of fruit tree:

1. Only prune late in the dormant season, before late March to minimize cold injury.

2. Prune heavily on neglected trees, trees which have not been pruned before, and are vigorous cultivars. Less vigorous cultivars which are slower-growing can be pruned less heavily.

3. Make all heading cuts just beyond a bud or a branch.

4. Make all thinning cuts just beyond the base of the branch being removed. Do not leave long stubs; leave only the growth collar at the base of the branch.

5. Avoid pruning too close to the branch. You want to leave a small stub of the branch being removed, and not a depression into the remaining limb.

6. Don’t prune a mature or neglected fruit tree back to a normal-producing fruit tree in one year. Spread the thinning over several years.

7. Wound dressings are not needed for trees pruned during the dormant season.

8. Always remove sucker growth from around the base of the tree trunk.

9. Prune any dead or diseased branches and never leave any pruned brush near fruit trees.

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Gardening: March is the best time of year to prune fruit trees