Gazan ‘Ali Baba’ brings cheer to children

STORY: ‘Ali Baba’ is bringing stories and smiles to Gazan children

Location: Rafah, Gaza

[Mohammad al-Amoudi, Storyteller]

"I, as a storyteller, tell stories so that children can live within it, in a free and a safe atmosphere, enabling them to express themselves and just listen to nice stories. Also, as you know, the (Gaza) strip is experiencing difficult conditions. So, the stories are a balm for their souls."

Al-Amoudi works alongside other dancing and singing performers

as part of activities organized by the Tamer Institute for Community Education

[Minna Hassouna, 13-year-old audience member]

"At first I was surprised, I used to watch Ali Baba in cartoons, so when I saw this storyteller, I said Ali Baba has come to life and I talked to him, and he told me a story and I interacted with him. We were all happy that Ali Baba visited us."