Genshin Impact: New Hydro Resonance buffs most Hydro characters, plus Hu Tao, Zhongli

Genshin Impact's Hydro characters Ayato, Barbara, Xingqiu, Yelan, Kokomi, and Hu Tao, Zhongli
This new Hydro Resonance bonus buffs Hydro characters like Yelan and Sangonomiya Kokomi as well as non-Hydro characters like Hu Tao and Zhongli. (Photos: HoYoverse)

Genshin Impact version 3.0 not only has a new map, a new element, and new characters, there’s also a big change to one of the Elemental Resonances which players usually keep in mind when composing their teams.

We all know that Elemental Resonances aid greatly in battle, that’s why we tend to form teams that have two characters of the same element to gain the buffs from that element's Resonance.

The most used Resonance, for example, is the Pyro Resonance that gives a party-wide 25% increase in ATK.

Now, we all don’t really want to say it, but Hydro used to have the worst Resonance buff out of all the elements. It was geared towards healers, giving a 25% healing bonus to the team.

It’s not like it was useless, but it’s not exactly what you need if you want to have a more powerful team.

Most of the time, players prefer to have a buff that helps them deal more damage instead of something that just helps them have a full HP bar.

Luckily for us, HoYoverse changed Hydro Resonance to be more useful to players in version 3.0.

The new Hydro Resonance, aside from the standard buff that makes party members get affected by Pyro for 40% less time, now also increases the Max HP of all party members by 25%.

This is amazing for characters who scale off of HP, like Yelan, Kamisato Ayato, Sangonomiya Kokomi, and Xingqiu, among others. But this buff isn't limited to just Hydro characters, as it also buffs the likes of Hu Tao and Zhongli.

Here's how the 25% Max HP buff from Hydro Resonance affects certain characters:


Increases the DMG dealt by Yelan's special Charged Attack, Breakthrough Barb, her elemental skill, Lingering Lifeline, and elemental burst, Depth Clarion-Dice.

Yelan is arguably the character that enjoys the new Hydro Resonance bonus the most. Since almost all her damage scales off her Max HP, the new Hydro Resonance increases Yelan's damage all across the board.

Kamisato Ayato

Increases the DMG of the water illusion summoned when Kamisato Ayatao uses his elemental skill, Kamisato Art: Kyouka, as well as the DMG from his Shunsuiken attacks.

While the new Hydro Resonance bonus isn't the biggest buff for Bobatea Ayato, it still increases the damage he deals when using his Elemental Skill, where most of his damage output comes.

Sangonomiya Kokomi

Increases the healing from the Bake-Kurage summoned by Sangonomiya Kokomi's Elemental Skill, Kurage's Oath, as well as from her Normal and Charged Attacks when her elemental burst, Nereid's Ascension, is active.

Also increases damage from her Normal, Charged, and Bake-Kurage during Nereid's Ascension.

While Kokomi was one of the few characters that actually enjoyed the previous Hydro Resonance bonus, the reworked one is still a good buff for her as it increases both her healing and damage.


Increases the amount of healing from the Rain Swords summoned by Xingqiu's elemental skill, Guhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen, and elemental burst, Guhua Sword: Raincutter, when they shatter.

Xingqiu isn't entirely reliant on the Hydro Resonance before or after the rework.

Even so, the increased healing he provides from his Rain Swords is still very much welcome, especially when he's the only source of healing for your party.


Increases the healing from Barbara's Normal and Charged Attacks when her elemental skill, Let the Show Begin, is active as well as her elemental burst, Shining Miracle.

Since Barbara's primary role is a healer (though there are DPS Barbara enjoyers out there, more power to you guys), the old Hydro Resonance bonus is still preferable for her.

Not just for Hydro

While most Hydro characters are buffed to some degree by the new Hydro Resonance, Childe and Mona unfortunately don't get anything out of it.

However, there are a couple of non-Hydro characters that really love the new Hydro Resonance — the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor duo of Hu Tao and Zhongli.

Hu Tao

Increases the ATK Hu Tao gains from entering the Paramita Papillo state when using her Elemental Skill, Guide to Afterlife. Also increases the healing she gets when her Elemental Burst, Spirit Soother, hits enemies.

Hu Tao is one of the best DPS characters in Genshin Impact, with her Elemental Skill, Guide to Afterlife, being the primary source of her damage.

Any increase to Walnut's Max HP increases her damage, and having the Hydro Resonance bonus active also lets her run an Elemental Mastery main stat on her sands instead of HP%.


Increases the DMG absorption of the Jade Shield created by holding Zhongli's Elemental Skill, Dominus Lapidis.

Also increases the bonus DMG given by his 4th Ascension Passive, Dominance of Earth. Dominance of Earth increases the DMG of his Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks, as well as the Stone Stele created by Dominus Lapidis and his Elemental Burst, Planet Befall.

Zhongli builds tons of HP in order to strengthen his Jade Shield, which is the reason why he's hands-down best shielder in the game as well as one of its most sought-after characters.

However, having higher HP also increases Zhongli's DMG output, which helps him be a more versatile member of your party.

Which team comp benefits the most?

If you happen to have Hu Tao, Yelan, Xingqiu, and the CEO of Geo, then you're in luck, as the new Hydro Resonance bonus lets you run one of the strongest teams in the game.

All four characters in that composition scale off HP, so having them all in one party and activating the new Hydro Resonance makes them all stronger.

Hu Tao, Yelan, and Zhongli deal more damage, Zhongli's shield is also stronger, while Xingqiu heals more just in case you need it.

It’s safe to say that with the release of non-healing, DPS-oriented Hydro Characters, and more Hydro characters in the future like Nilou, HoYoverse finally decided to give this underrated element the love it deserves.

It also gives more shine to HP scaling, which is one of the best attributes that a character that can scale off of in the game.

Yan Ku is a full-time dog parent, part-time (gacha) gamer, and part-time writer.

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