Gerson: History of Israel is tragedy to triumph

With  Fourth of July on the horizon, a certain reflection comes to my mind.

It is how various nations celebrate their Independence Day in different ways.

Here in the United States, July Fourth is mainly a day of light-hearted, rather raucous festivity.  Fireworks, barbeques in yards, sales in large stores, and captivating sporting events fill the air.  It is fun, and most of us look forward to a nice day off.

Rabbi Ronald Gerson
Rabbi Ronald Gerson

In Israel, it is entirely different.  Actually two holidays are bound together, one day after another.  It happened there a few days ago.

In the spring, on the Fourth of Iyar according to the Jewish calendar, with great profundity and emotion, Israel observes its Memorial Day, Yom Hazikaron.  It is very solemn and sad.  On that day, Israel remembers all the wars of defense it has had, and the losses of soldiers, a far greater percentage of its population than in most countries.

There are observances at cemeteries throughout the nation.

Then, the very next day, Iyar 5 (actually at sundown the night before), the mood , explosively, changes to happy exaltation, as Independence Day, Yom Ha'atzmaut, is celebrated.  The day when the modern state of Israel was founded in 1948.  There are parades, parties, dancing in the streets. A day of complete joy.

The symbolism here is remarkable.  What is being marked here is a going from tragedy to triumph.  And, indeed, that is what Jewish history, in it entirety, is all about.  So many times this has happened.

Recently, we Jews observed Passover. We recalled how for 400 years, our people languished in Egypt as slaves.  But around 1200 B.C., with God's help, the triumphant Exodus and coming to freedom in Israel took place.

Years later, in 586 B.C., another tragedy for the Jewish People occurred.  The beautiful Temple in Jerusalem was obliterated by the Babylonians in battle, and Jews were exiled to Babylonia. But, 50 years later, with the help of the victorious Persian king Cyrus in the region, Jews courageously returned to Israel and rebuilt their lives there.

And still another example, in the late 19th century.  Jews suffered in Europe , tremendously.  And out of this, the Zionist movement was born. Jews began returning to Israel, building a life there, and eventually, in 1948, the modern state of Israel was founded.

Yes, from tragedy to triumph.  But there is a very important corollary in all this.  Each time, someone, feeling God, had to step forward and lead the way to that triumph.  In Egypt, it was Moses who led his people out of that place, across the sea, through the desert, and on to Israel.  While in Babylonian exile, the eloquent prophet Isaiah spurred on his people with his words: "Comfort, comfort ye, my People sayeth God ... your time of servitude is done.... God has opened the way for you." (Isaiah 40).   And, in 19th century Europe, it was Theodore Herzl , who founded the Zionist movement, leading Jews to Israel.

This is how history, under God, works.  Leaders, inspired by God, direct the way from tragedy to triumph.  In  our own country, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. did this.  So, let us always thank God that He has done this for the betterment of humankind.

This article originally appeared on Athens Banner-Herald: History of Jews is one of tragedy to triumph