What It's Like Getting Back To School After Christmas Break

I know that we’ve all needed the Christmas break. I implore you to enjoy the time that you have left. In the midst of the Christmas cheer, you may get swept into an emotional slump. It’ll continue to anchor you once school fades back into your daily routine. You’ve grown accustomed to waking up whenever you want. You ate home cooked meals, and spent time with loved ones. Just the thought of curling your fingers to wrap around your pencil for class causes you to scowl with disgust. The dread of resuming the tedious tasks of attending classes and managing a sea of papers is a common thread feeding through most of our minds.

Your somber gaze follows your mother’s house as it fades into an array of lifeless trees. You sigh with unenthusiastic anticipation, with each breath icing the windows with a layer of fog. The roaring of your tires skidding down windy roads unfortunately wanes into the familiar crackling of the campus gravel. You grudgingly drag your suitcases to your living quarters only to be greeted with a desolate space decorated with two beds. There’s a dimly lit kitchen counter, and a measly bathroom. You unpack your computer to find a host of assignments greeting you with the promise of monotonous sequences of mirroring procedures you’ve followed before. Suddenly, all your motivation drains from your, now lifeless, eyes to the tips of your toes. You can’t fathom the seemingly astronomical mass of responsibilities awaiting you in its entirety.

Despite the obstacles clouding your immediate progress, you successfully plow through the stress. By some miracle, the end of the week sprouts new hope by way of a finished paper. And not to mention, a mostly finished project due the following Monday. It’s normal to experience a period of lagging after a long break. What’s important is that you had a break. We should cherish those times so that we’ll have something to reflect on when we have overwhelming moments. You’ll find a way to get back to the same amount of productivity as before. You just have to be patient with yourself.

How do you usually manage after a long hiatus from school?

Zada Luby is a first-year student at Gwinnett Technical college, she’s a nursing major who loves art, nature, and helping her community grow. Follow her interests and more here.