Getting Ready: Engaging with climate action

I learned about the climate crisis from a PBS documentary nearly 20 years ago. I was shocked that this crisis was looming, and no one was doing anything about it! When I had my first child, a new sense of urgency came over me, and I truly felt a call to do something about climate change.

Like many parents, I’m freaked out about the impact that chemicals and pollutants have on my growing children, and I worry about their safety in a warming world. My heart aches for the millions of parents who cannot shield their children from the mounting effects of the crisis — floods and fires, powerful storms and drought.

York Ready for Climate Action
York Ready for Climate Action

When my children were small, I began my search for meaningful ways to help the effort to resolve the climate crisis. I started volunteering online with a national advocacy organization and sought ways to organize in my community. I started talking about the crisis to anyone who would listen. Over the years I have talked to so many people who are eager to get involved and contribute to solutions. This gives me hope.

Here in York, we are lucky to have several organizations helping to conserve the land and push for climate solutions. Local groups are preserving forests and wetlands, which provide a host of benefits, including holding carbon in trees and plants. Other groups are helping citizens cut carbon pollution from their homes and find new ways to commute to school or work, all while strengthening communities and encouraging sustainable habits. Some of them are mentioned below.

Getting Ready: Stand-out towns committed to local climate action

York Public Library and York Ready for Climate Action are hosting a program series called “The Climate Is Changing, and So Can You,” which will be a great jumping-off point for anyone hoping to make a difference.

The first program in the series, called “So We Passed the Climate Action Plan …Now What?” will be offered online next Wednesday, February 8, at 7 p.m. (see for details). Also on the program, the town of York will provide updates on the Climate Action Plan that was approved by York voters last May, and the citizen action group York Ready for Climate Action will discuss ways citizens can help reduce the community’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Upcoming programs in the series are: “Weatherization and Heat Pump Heating Solutions” (February 22); “Electric Vehicles and Charging Infrastructure” (March 8); “Rooftop and Community Solar Options” (March 22); “Efficiency Maine Residential Offerings” (April 12); “Climate Friendly Investing” (April 26); “Climate Friendly Lawns and Gardens” (May 10); and “Food Systems and Celebrations” (May 24). All sessions will be recorded and available to watch online on the library’s website.

There are many opportunities to get involved, volunteer and financially support local organizations like York Ready for Climate Action (see, York Land Trust (see, Great Works Regional Land Trust (see, and Kittery Climate Action Now (, as well as regional and national organizations such as Maine Youth for Climate Justice (, Climate Justice, or Sierra Club (

The climate crisis affects all of us, and it will take each of us to create a livable future. Take action for your own future and those you love, for people on the front lines of climate impacts, and for all our children and grandchildren.

Marina Mails volunteers with York Ready for Climate Action. YRCA is a nonprofit 501c3 grassroots citizens’ organization dedicated to increasing awareness of the causes and effects of climate change and advancing environmentally friendly and inclusive policies and behaviors. Please see or Information about EcoHOMES is on the same site.

This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Getting Ready: Engaging with climate action