Ghana votes amid promises of economic recovery

As Ghanaians began voting on Monday (December 7), an issue at the front of many minds is the economy.

The West African economic powerhouse this year suffered its first quarterly economic contraction in nearly four decades and the two main candidates for the presidency are both offering a recovery.

Incumbent President Nana Akufo-Addo is promising to push ahead with a $17 billion program to boost jobs.

"The second term of Akufo-Addo is going to bring the house of prosperity, the house of progress, the house of development, the house of employment to our country."

His main challenger, former president John Mahama, has a $10 billion infrastructure program at the heart of his campaign.

"We vote to elect a president and a government who can fix and improve the economy, so we can profit from our businesses and take care of our families."

Last year Ghana emerged from a three-year lending program with the International Monetary Fund only for a world of lockdowns to knock demand for its key exports - oil and cocoa.

There are 12 presidential candidates on the ballot but most voters are expected to be choosing between Akufo-Addo and Mahama.

The race, in which a parliament will also be elected, is expected to be tight.

Commentators suggest Akufo-Addo may have a slight lead based on his performance in a tumultuous year, in which his administration provided free water and subsidized electricity to households.