Here’s Why You Should Never Get Upset Over A Spray Tan


[Photo: Imgur]

Girls, we all know the deal when it comes to fake tan. Never sleep on white sheets, wear loose clothes so it doesn’t go patchy and NEVER go for a shade darker because you will end up looking like an Oompa Loompa.

We thought if we had these golden rules down we wouldn’t have anymore fake tan disasters - how wrong we were.

We now know that there is a fourth very important rule: Do not cry.

We should all thank 17-year-old Skyler Davis, who shared her unfortunate experience with the internet to warn all us fake tan loving ladies. Plus, it’s more than a little funny.


[Skyler Davis/ Instagram]

Skyler went to get a spray tan and have a little pampering ahead of her prom. Like most girls, she left the salon feeling very happy with her new glowing tanned skin.

However, things quickly went downhill when she got in a phone argument with her boyfriend just minutes after leaving the salon. It was then that the tears started rolling.

Skyler explained to Buzzfeed, “All of a sudden there were white streaks on my once-tan face. Looking in the mirror, I only began to cry more, and there was absolutely nothing I could do but let the tears roll down my face and completely ruin my spray tan.”


[Photo: Perez Hilton/ Tumblr]

Like a lot of us when faced with a disaster, Skyler turned to humour. She took a selfie of her now less than perfect tanned face and posted it on her Twitter.

Girls all over the world felt her pain and the photo quickly went viral making spray tan tears now a thing.

For all those worried about Skyler, it all sorted itself out in the end. She quickly made up with her boyfriend, the dodgy tan came right off and she went back to the salon the next day to get it redone. Phew.

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