Gladys Robinson, candidate for NC Senate District 28

Name: Gladys Robinson

Political party: Democrat

Age as of Nov. 8, 2022: 72

Campaign website:

Occupation: Retired health executive

Education: B.A. Psychology, Bennett College; M.Ed.,Counseling, NC A&T State University; Leadership, NC A&T State University; Health Execs Cert., UCLA

Have you run for elected office before? I am now in my sixth term; and up for election to the seventh; served on the UNC Board of Governors for 10 years

Please list highlights of your civic involvement: NC Public School Forum, Guilford Child Development, Bennett College Board of Trustees, chair; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority — Gso Alumnae Chapter; Grandiflora Links, Inc., Democratic Women of Guilford

What are the three issues that you see as most important to your district and what will you do to address them?

1. Public school education — my hope is that the courts will mandate full funding of Leandro.

2. Affordable housing — We must increase funding for housing for the low-income and address homelessness.

3. Mental Health treatment must be primary on our agenda for 2023; I will work with colleagues to address these.

At a time when costs are rising, state government has a surplus. How should it be used?

The Republican-led legislature continues to squirrel away surplus rather than supporting the needs of our citizens. We should fully fun Leandro; address mental health treatment, increase funds for affordable housing, and continue to support small and minority businesses so folks can work. Citizens cannot have quality lives without good paying jobs, housing and food.

Will you vote for Medicaid expansion in North Carolina?


What has the legislature gotten right, and what has it gotten wrong, about public education in North Carolina?

That’s the point, the Constitution says we must fund public education, not private vouchers. That is unconstitutional and wrong. My fear is that our North Carolina will become a state of poorly funded public schools that serve mostly minority and low income children — a new form of segregation and inequality. While additional funds have gone into early childhood, we must invest more and pay for certified preschool teachers to give children a proper beginning. We don’t need studies, we must act.

Should North Carolina change its abortion laws? How?

The current state law banning abortion after 20 weeks should remain.

Please add anything else voters should know about your position on the legality or availability of abortion in North Carolina.

Women must have the right to make their own decisions with the support of their doctor, not legislators. Medical access must be available or poor women will be forced to make choices that can cost their lives and the child.

Should medical marijuana be legalized in North Carolina?


What, if anything, should the legislature do to shape curriculum dealing with topics of race, sexuality and gender?

The legislature should stay out of the classroom, except to fund it. Teachers must be allowed to teach. The struggle for integration in schools was to teach children to respect each other regardless of differences.

Do you accept the results of the 2020 presidential election?
