A Glitter Coffin Guarantees Your Funeral Will Be as Over the Top as Possible

Photo credit: Twitter @SunnySantana8
Photo credit: Twitter @SunnySantana8

From Cosmopolitan

Nothing says “I’ve lived a fabulous life so I’m going out in the most fabulous way possible” quite like a glitter coffin. The Glitter Coffin Company, based in the United Kingdom, is here to make your final goodbye super extra.

The pretty coffins (a phrase I never thought I would write) are made to order, and prices can be obtained by contacting the company. The glitter coffins can be shipped worldwide, so this is an actual thing you can blow your money on at the end of your life.

“Our stunning coffins are a beautiful way to reflect and celebrate a person’s life,” the company’s site says.

The coffins come in lilac glitter, silver glitter, ice blue, rose gold, pink glitter, black glitter, gold glitter, purple glitter, blue glitter, opal white glitter, copper glitter, red glitter, green glitter, hologram/disco silver glitter, black/silver mix glitter, petrol glitter, royal blue glitter, and gunmetal gray glitter. So, like, basically alllll the glitters. There’s no doubt you’ll certainly find your perfect fit out of this array of options.

Obviously, there are people out there who have different plans after life that don’t involve a really large funerary box. So! If you’ve already decided that you want to be cremated, The Glitter Coffin Company also has glitter boxes for ashes for $169.99. There are pet boxes for ashes as well.

It’s nice to know that your funeral can be just as ridiculous as your life probably was—or is that just me?

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