Glossophobia: Fancy word. Common problem.

What is Glossophobia? Here’s a hint: It exists as a common human condition experienced by the likes of popes and presidents.

It strikes terror in approximately 70% of the population, often accompanied by sweaty palms, a racing heart, stomach upset, increased perspiration, and brain fade. This conundrum of communication complexities cripples public speakers leaving them tongue-tied to face the trepidation more commonly known as stage fright.

I’ve experienced it and chances are you have, too. In my work as an educator, I see it in spades: fear of failure and discomfort in being judged or evaluated. Here are some insights to help tame the performance phobia beast.

First, be cautious of any program that promises to cure your communication apprehension. Instead, it’s best to learn how to actively manage it. Mom often said, "If you can’t change something, change how you think about it." (She was so wise). Thus, I am reminded of a few anonymous quotes that support this thinking.

"The brain begins to work the moment we’re born and never stops … until we stand up to speak in public."

"There are two types of speakers: those who are nervous and those who are liars."

You get the innuendo of both. Even with a dedicated plan, the dynamic of a live audience means that circumstances can go awry and this loss of control increases anxiety. Apprehensive presenters tend to focus on their jitters instead of the message. Add technology issues to the mix and it's no wonder that knees knock and stomachs somersault.

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Planning is essential to deal with the dreaded butterflies. International speech coach Tom Antion reminds us that "prior proper preparation helps prevent poor performance by the person putting on the presentation." It's painful to watch someone crash and burn at the podium; be mindful that audiences want speakers to do well. This success resides in the details. For instance, focus on what I call one-point impact.

In a few sentences, determine your primary message and build main points to support it.

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According to the National Communication Association, a good rule of thumb is to have three main points for every 10 minutes of speaking (a 20-minute talk has approximately six key points, etc.). This approach helps organize remarks and a well-crafted message increases speaker confidence leading to a better outcome.

Other nuances such as appropriate use of humor, eye contact, and non-verbal traits enhance speaker presence and polish platform skills.

We've established that your fight or flight response may be in take-off mode. To reduce stress, shift your energy to satisfy audience needs.

It’s productive to actively confront your fears through exposure and vulnerability. Best-selling author Brene Brown defines vulnerability as the state of being simultaneously brave and afraid. Been there, done that.

Additionally, experts suggest finding ways to calm our minds before a presentation with meditation, breathing techniques, visualization, or listening to a favorite music artist. Although I don’t belt out Queen lyrics in the green room, I do center myself with music before a keynote address (Freddie Mercury’s rendition of "Under Pressure," how fitting!) Find what works for you.

Trailing thoughts …

  • The audience doesn’t recognize your fear as much as you think they do.

  • In general, the discomfort of "all eyes on me" is greatly reduced as the talk progresses.

  • Take a legitimate course, enlist assistance from a professional coach, and consider organizations such as Toastmasters as worthy approaches.

  • Include a short story. People remember and respond better to a brief illustration rather than a list of facts.

  • Open big, close bigger. Be memorable.

  • Seek feedback from those you trust.

  • Be patient with your learning curve.

There really is a path forward. Be courageous. Practice these strategies. Small meetings are safe spaces to refine your style. Over time most people gain confidence for bigger events.

TED Talks are a great forum to study competent speakers. Notice the presenter’s delivery skills (no one reads from a slide show), brevity, and limited use of filler words. You’ve got this!

Put on your red confidence cape; Freddie and I will be cheering for you.

Lisa Waite is professor of communication studies at Kent State University at Stark. She can be reached at

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Here are some tips to overcome fear of public speaking