
A goal of banding barn owls is 'keeping common species common,' says MDC biologist

If you've never heard a barn owl screech, you may not realize just how loud they can be.

In a room full of volunteers and conservation officials, the fledglings inside a Bois D'Arc Conservation Area barn were the most vocal in making sure everyone knew their displeasure. Out of the 21 tagged with metal bands May 19, seven of the barn owls were in this one nesting box.

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In calm movements, Jeff Meshach affixed metal bands on each bird as they were held by volunteers before being returned to a nesting box. Meshach is deputy director of the World Bird Sanctuary, a St. Louis County-based nature preserve.

World Bird Sanctuary Deputy Director Jeff Meshach explains the banding process. Barn owls are tagged with bands around their legs by conservation officials in Bois D'Arc May 19, 2022.
World Bird Sanctuary Deputy Director Jeff Meshach explains the banding process. Barn owls are tagged with bands around their legs by conservation officials in Bois D'Arc May 19, 2022.

The bands' numbers are recorded with information, including the gender and location of the barn owl. Although the band numbers can't really be seen by the naked eye, a lot can be discovered should a banded barn owl ever get injured and picked up by conservation officials.

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"If you have a bird in your hand, it usually means that something bad has happened to that bird, but still, even with that, we're still going to gain knowledge," Meshach said.

Barn owls are tagged with bands around their legs by conservation officials in Bois D'Arc May 19, 2022.
Barn owls are tagged with bands around their legs by conservation officials in Bois D'Arc May 19, 2022.

Banding can later help conservationists get information about barn owl population numbers.

"We know we have barn owls, we know we have barn owl reproduction, but there's some of the details we're still trying to learn," said Francis Skalicky, spokesman with Missouri Department of Conservation. "Banding is one of the things that will help us find more details about barn owl populations in Missouri and how they're doing overall."

Barn owls are tagged with bands around their legs by conservation officials in Bois D'Arc May 19, 2022.
Barn owls are tagged with bands around their legs by conservation officials in Bois D'Arc May 19, 2022.

Natural History Biologist Rhonda Rimer said officials try to keep touching to a minimum when banding the barn owls. Otherwise, they often tape their phones to a stick and poke into a nesting box to count just how many birds are inside.

"Southwest Missouri is really considered a stronghold for the species," Rimer said.

Barn owls were previously known as a species of concern in Missouri, Rimer added. Research sought to identify if the birds were as rare as believed, and they're not. Barn owls were removed from the list, but data is still being gathered on their actual status and survival success.

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"The goal is keeping common species common," Rimer said.

Missouri's last research papers written on barn owls was back in the '50s, said Meagan Duffer-Yates, a private land conservationist. Nesting boxes on her own property have been used by the same barn owls for several years, despite some folks thinking the grassland specific birds only live a few years.

Meagan Duffer-Yates helps Forrest Summers hold a barn owl fledgling May 19, 2022.
Meagan Duffer-Yates helps Forrest Summers hold a barn owl fledgling May 19, 2022.

Those barn owl screeches would terrify some of the old-timer farmers.

"They'd walk in and (the barn owls) would flush out," Duffer-Yates said. "They would see white belly and they'd think they have ghosts living in their barns. They would hear that sound and be like, 'There's spirits or something living in my barn.'"

Barn owls are tagged with bands around their legs by conservation officials in Bois D'Arc May 19, 2022.
Barn owls are tagged with bands around their legs by conservation officials in Bois D'Arc May 19, 2022.

Of course that was a long time ago, she jokingly added.

More facts about barn owls:

  • Scientific name: Tyto alba

  • Can screech, hiss, bark and make clicking sounds

  • Highly nocturnal

  • Primarily eat small rodents, but can eat birds, insects, bats and reptiles

  • They are found on every continent, except Antarctica

You can build your own nesting box to encourage birds like barn owls and others to take up residence on your property.

Sara Karnes is an Outdoors Reporter with the Springfield News-Leader. Follow along with her adventures on Twitter and Instagram @Sara_Karnes. Got a story to tell? Email her at

This article originally appeared on Springfield News-Leader: Conservationists band 21 barn owls in May to track species