Who’s going to fantasy suites? After tears are shed, ‘Bachelorette’ Charity chooses final 3

It’s time to meet the parents.

It’s hometowns week on “The Bachelorette.”

Charity Lawson chose her final four men last week. This week, she see where their love story could potentially continue by traveling to each of their hometowns to meet parents and friends.

So let’s see which hometown date made the best impression on our Georgia girl.

Friday Night Lights in Houston

Charity’s first hometown date is with Aaron in Houston, Texas.

Charity meets several of Aaron’s family members and eats some delicious home cooked food

Everyone chats together, then branches off to have separate chats with Charity and Aaron.

The pair seem to be smitten as they chat it up, but there are still some concerns looking ahead. Although she is fond of Aaron, Charity tells the cameras that she is not sure she can “get there” with Aaron.

After the family talk, Aaron takes Charity to his high school football field where he surprises her with custom vintage letterman jackets. They pop champagne and sit in the middle of the field together.

Aaron also has one more romantic surprise for her: he breaks out a radio and plays the song he and Charity danced to on their first one-on-one date. Charity cries happy tears as he embraces her.

They dance, smooch and dance some more.

My take on Aaron’s hometown date: I was pleasantly surprised with this hometown date. His family took Charity in with open arms and seemed genuinely happy for Aaron. The football field date was also a touchdown for me; this man knows how to make a girl feel special. However, I do feel like there is something missing between the pair.

The ball is in her court

Her next hometown date is with Joey in Collegeville, Pennsylvania.

Charity goes into the date ready to tell Joey she’s in love with him, but will she follow through? Let’s see.

First on the schedule is tennis practice.

Joey takes Charity to a tennis court and gifts her the cutest tennis outfit. Joey teaches Charity the basics and soon, Joey’s uncle shows up to crash the date.

His uncle is friendly with the pair, but behind the scenes, he expresses some concerns with Joey.

After some kissing on the court, it’s time to go meet the rest of Joey’s family.

“I’m a little nervous,” Charity admits to the cameras. “I’m just going to speak from the heart.”

Things with Joey’s family go well for the most part, until Charity sits back down with Joey’s uncle. His uncle tells Charity that he isn’t sure she knows the “genuine Joey.”

“That is alarming,” Charity tells the cameras.

After this conversation, Charity does not tell Joey that she’s falling in love with him and unfortunately, things seem to be a bit awkward. As she tells Joey goodbye for the night, Charity sheds some tears to which Joey questions, but she tells him she is just going to miss him.

“She says she’s going to miss me, but she’s not looking at me when she says it,” Joey says to the cameras. “Could this be the end for us?”

My take on Joey’s hometown date: Let me just say that I don’t think it was right for Joey’s uncle to plant that seed in Charity’s mind. I think the way he said it was all wrong; thus, I don’t think Charity should take this interaction too seriously, but somehow I know that she is going to.

Knitting date

It’s time for Xavier’s hometown date in Cleveland, Ohio.

Of all the things they could do or places they could go, Xavier takes Charity to a knitting shop.

“I’m in the lab all day, so I like to knit,” Xavier said. “It’s relaxing.”

He teaches Charity to knit in a room full of other fellow knitters. They share kisses in between knits, smile, laugh and hold each other close.

After having some coffee together, Xavier takes Charity to meet his family.

The family chats go really well and Xavier’s family shares such kind words about him. You can really feel the love here.

The night ends with Charity and Xavier embracing each other on a bench, kissing and sharing their feelings.

“My feelings have intensified times one hundred,” Charity said to the cameras. “He could be my husband.”

My take on Xavier’s hometown date: I am so in love with Xavier after this. Seeing him in his hometown, doing what he loves, being with his family; it really sealed the deal for me. He has such a soft side and I haven’t seen that. I was also surprised at how his family spoke so eloquently about him and his view on marriage. After this hometown date, I can definitely see Xavier being a great husband for Charity.

Drive-in date with Dotun

Last, but not least, is Charity’s hometown date with Dotun in Fresno, California.

Dotun told Charity that his parents couldn’t make it because they spend several weeks in Nigeria around this same time.

However, as the date begins, Charity is able to meet other family members, including Dotun’s grandmother who is busy cooking up Nigerian food for the crowd.

But then some special guests crash: Dotun’s parents. Everyone gets very emotional, even Charity.

Dotun’s family describes him as sweet, faithful and ready for marriage, which gives Charity all the validation she needs.

Ending the night, Dotun takes Charity to a drive-in theater in a Thunderbird. The movie? None other than a slideshow of the pair as babies, funny videos of their families and photos of their dates on this journey.

When the movie ends, the pair kiss the night away wrapped up in blankets.

My take on this date: I have always loved Dotun and this date just made me realize how perfect he is for Charity. The entire hometown, from start to finish, was just everything. I really hope he is the one.

Elimination time

“I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do,” Charity tells the cameras right before the rose ceremony.

Ultimately, she gives roses to Dotun, Xavier and Joey.

Which means she sends home Aaron.

“I do feel like if I had more time, I probably would have got there with Aaron,” she tells the cameras.

Next up: fantasy suites in next week’s episode.

How do you feel about Charity’s choice? Comment below or email me at cmadden@mcclatchy.com