
Golf: Christian Cavaliere stitching a side hustle into a promising career

The side hustle is now a promising full-time venture.

Christian Cavaliere was covering the cost of beer and pizza at Boston College by making and selling custom hats around campus in between golf tournaments. And when the COVID-19 pandemic sent everyone home, the 24-year-old from Somers got creative.

There was more than enough time for passions and interests to mingle during the lockdown.

“I was taking apart everything I’d ever gotten at a tournament as a tee gift or whatever,” said Cavaliere, a former all-state player at Somers High School who competed at BC and will make his second appearance in the U.S. Amateur next month. “I started ordering materials and making samples with my mom’s sewing machine at the house. Our living room was essentially a factory in the summer of 2020.”

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The idea to add custom headcovers and other golf accessories to the headwear eventually led to the founding of Tremont Sporting Co.

“I hired a few of my friends and we had a pretty hilarious setup – a bunch of guys cutting, sewing, gluing, embroidering,” Cavaliere added. “It was a scene, but it was so much fun, so I kept it going when I moved to Florida last year. It was still a side thing at first, but this past fall I was like, ‘This is going well, let me see if I can grow it.’ We moved into a space in West Palm Beach in January of this year and bought some new machines, hired a few more people and are seeing what we can do with this, which is really, really cool.”

Tremont was a logical company name.

“It’s one of the original names of Boston and means three hills,” said Cavaliere, a three-time Westchester Amateur champion. “There are some cool underlying tones for us since I formed the LLC with two of my Boston College teammates.”

Patrick Hallisey remains with the company while Jack Cammis has moved on to another venture.

“I can remember when Christian was taking apart headcovers, like, ‘It can’t be that hard to make these,’ ” said James Nicholas, a longtime friend and now housemate of Cavaliere who starred at Scarsdale, won an Ivy League golf title at Yale and now has conditional status on the Korn Ferry Tour. “He was taking polos and sweatshirts and making headcovers. Other people saw them and were like, ‘Can you make me one?’ It was kind of word of mouth to start with and one thing led to the next. It’s been pretty cool to watch, especially firsthand. I’ve seen the time and effort that is going into this. It’s not as easy as he’s made it seem, but Christian’s got so much dedication and artistic talent.”

The 1,400 square foot shop is buzzing right now.

“We have four people working full time now and a couple of freelance seamstresses,” Cavaliere said. “We’re still in the figuring out stage. It’s more established than it was, but we’re still dealing with some growing pains and trying to manage those as best we can.

“It’s very competitive marketplace, but there’s a lot of room for new ideas, new materials, new creations. There’s a lot of ways to go. We can do wholesale to country clubs, direct to consumers with custom stuff or deal with the college teams. It’s possible we’ll get into apparel at some point. I have a lot of ideas so I have to plan things out and see what direction I want to go, but it’s so exciting because we can go in any direction we want.”

Catalog: See what Tremont Sporting Co. has been putting in play this summer

Colleges have been scooping up the custom swag from the start.

There are handcrafted applications for country club and corporations in the catalogue, too. Nicholas, of course, has an early Tremont Sporting Co. headcover on his driver.

“I was always a team sport guy, looking to represent my town or my school and I was like, ‘Let’s try to incorporate a little bit of that,’ ” he said. “There’s a Yale Y, a Scarsdale S and the No. 55, which is my number from travel hockey and youth football.”

For now, expenses are being covered and all profits are going right back into the business, according to Cavaliere.

“The growth has been incredible and it’s going so well right now,” he said.

Cavaliere has been able to get outside and play some, too. He was the Westchester Open runner-up to fellow amateur Brad Tilley at Sleepy Hollow Country Club and was in position to finish as the low amateur in the New York State Open at Bethpage Black for the fourth consecutive year until a double bogey at the 16th hole in the final round derailed that objective.

The next big event is the U.S. Amateur, which is being played just over the state line at Ridgewood Country Club in New Jersey.

Cavaliere was going to use his extra year of eligibility at Notre Dame, but ultimately decided to join Nicholas and Thomas LaMort (another Met section player with Tour aspirations) in Florida to explore his options.

“I went down to Palm Beach Gardens and just played and worked on the business,” he said. “I kept my amateur status but treated my time after school like I was a pro, going around the country and playing in all the tournaments I could, seeing how I liked it. By the end of 2021 I wasn’t loving the grind. I had a taste of tour life and really wanted a break. The business was taking off, so I figured I needed to take some time and work on that and I took a step back from golf. I hadn’t ruled out pro golf, but I needed to clear my head and get the business rolling because I was having so much fun doing it and it was becoming successful. I’m completely happy with my decision and I’m in a way better spot mentally with golf. Now, I’m enjoying it again, so absolutely no regrets. I’m loving where I’m at right now.”

Mike Dougherty covers golf for The Journal News and He can be reached at Follow along on Twitter @lohudgolf.

This article originally appeared on Rockland/Westchester Journal News: Christian Cavaliere founds Tremont Sporting Co. golf accessories