Good Books Lately: Paris - Always a good idea

I freely admit that I have a crush on Paris. I find myself daydreaming about being there. If you share this longing, but don’t see flying to Europe in your future any time soon, consider another form of travel. I thoroughly enjoyed reading each of these books. I hope you’ll sample one.

Bon Voyage!

My Life in France by Julia Child and Alex Prud'homme

Julia Child relates memories of her transformative years in France where she discovered, and then mastered, the art of French cooking.

A Place in the World Called Paris edited by Steven Barclay

Famous writers eloquently share their reflections on the city that has drawn them in and captured their imagination.

Paris to the Moon by Adam Gopnik

The author describes living as an expatriate in Paris and relates his experiences and observations on the beauty and complexity of life in France.

The Sweet Life in Paris by David Lebovitz

Lebovitz, a cookbook writer who moved to Paris, writes with irreverent humor as he describes his experiences as “glorious, but sometimes maddening.” And a bonus – recipes included!

Eiffel’s Tower by Jill Jonnes

Learn about the world exposition in 1889 and the construction of this iconic image. Building it was a complicated and challenging endeavor, and in the beginning, the citizens of Paris were not fans of the structure.

Paris Was Ours by Penelope Rowlands

Rowlands offers essays by thirty-two accomplished writers who capture the lure of the city and what it’s like to be there.

The Paris Wife by Paula McClain

The wife is Hadley Hemingway. This young couple and their baby boy live in a walk-up apartment in the Latin Quarter in 1920s Paris while Ernest struggles to write the book that will establish him as a writer.

The Age of Light by Whitney Scharer

This is a modern love story, but it also describes the struggles of a woman who wants to pursue her dream of being a photographer while living in the shadow of the famous artist, Man Ray.

Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay

It’s Paris in 1942 when a young girl and her family are captured during a raid on the homes of French Jews. They are arrested and deposited in Velodrome d’Hiver, a sports arena serving as a holding pen, before being sent to a concentration camp. Eighty years later Sarah’s story is related by a young reporter.

The Paris Hours by Alex George

A quartet of characters cross paths in 1927 in the aftermath of World War I. The story follows these young people over the course of a single day. They’re all at loose ends, searching for something they have lost.

Connie Lavoie is the owner of The Book Loft inside The Vintage Loft in Dewey

This article originally appeared on Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise: Good Books Lately: Paris - Always a good idea