Goshen library to receive $100,000 technology grant

Dec. 6—GOSHEN — The Goshen Public Library will soon be the recipient of a $100,000 grant aimed at upgrading the library's computer and Wi-Fi offerings.

During their meeting Monday afternoon, Goshen Board of Public Works and Safety members approved a request by Brandy Toms, a paralegal with the Goshen Legal Department, for permission to utilize a portion of the city's American Rescue Plan funding to provide a $100,000 grant to the library.

"On March 11, 2021, President Joseph R. Biden signed into law the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, establishing the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds program," Toms told the board. "The city has received a total allocation of ARP funding in the amount of $6,692,508 and intends to allocate a portion of its ARP funding to assist nonprofit organizations within the city, and nearby communities, that have suffered negative economic impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in accordance with all federal, state and local guidelines regarding the usage of ARP funding."

Toms noted that the Goshen Public Library will be the final nonprofit organization that has applied for and met all requirements to receive a grant from the city's ARP funding.

"When the ARP funds first came out, if you don't remember, Goshen Public Library during 2020, when everything was shut down, they were the main source for people that didn't have internet access to be able to fill out their forms, and contact the government, and do everything that we were having to do during that year," said Goshen Mayor Jeremy Stutsman, who also holds a seat on the board. "Shortly after, when we found out we were getting this money, I reached out to the library director, Ann-Margaret Rice, and talked to her about if there were any needs for the library, and one of them was upgrades to their system for everything from Wi-Fi to computers so that they could better serve the community.

"So, I had proposed to her at that time that maybe we would look at a $100,000 grant," he added. "We ran this through the committee that looked at the ARP funds, and it was also passed by the Goshen City Council. So, now we're just getting to the point where we're actually transferring the money."

The board's members agreed, and the requested grant agreement was approved unanimously.


In other business, the board:

—Accepted bids for the city's 2023 asphalt paving project. Submitting bids were Rieth-Riley with a bid of $2.99 million and Niblock Excavating with a bid of $2.48 million. The bids were then forwarded on to the city's legal department for review and a contract recommendation.

—Approved an agreement with Barkes, Kolbus, Rife & Shuler LLP for 2023 attorney services.

—Approved a contract not to exceed $28,350 with Kurtz Engineering to assist in updating the city's water utility model last updated in 2018.

—Approved an agreement amendment with L&M Electric for the electrical maintenance of traffic signals, school flashers, lighting, city buildings and the airport. The amendment extends the agreement from Jan. 1, 2023, through Dec. 31, 2023, under the same terms and conditions as the current contract.

—Approved an agreement amendment with Middlebury Electric for the electrical maintenance for the city's wastewater and water utilities. The amendment extends the agreement from Jan. 1, 2023, through Dec. 31, 2023, under the same terms and conditions as the current contract.

—Approve the city's revised Pavement Management Plan for 2022.

John Kline can be reached at john.kline@goshennews.com or 574-533-2151, ext. 240315. Follow John on Twitter @jkline_TGN.