Opinion: Governor Polis is the genuine article for rural Colorado

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Farming and ranching is a noble profession and I have been blessed to be a part of it. I learned your word is your bond and your handshake really means something. I cherish the life.

So, it makes my stomach sour when I see political operatives and candidates try to sell us on how our Governor doesn’t care about rural Colorado. I know Governor Jared Polis. And so does Pueblo.

He did not kowtow to national politics when it came to responding to the pandemic crisis. He did what was best for Pueblo, and all of Colorado. He honors the authority of local cities, counties, and school districts, including rural communities, and he responded quickly to be sure the resources we needed were available.

This included $37 million in ARPA funds for the city of Pueblo to provide local pandemic relief, and $275 million in recovery dollars specifically for rural communities and agricultural industry investment.

Because of this approach, Colorado had one of the shortest shutdowns and now one of the fastest recoveries. But he didn’t stop there.

Along with local control, Governor Polis respects the critical role that landowners play in the care and management of our state, including drought and wildlife mitigation, and is dedicated to ensuring our farms and ranches succeed.

He works to listen to us — letting rural Colorado tell the state what we need and then delivering on it. He wants us to not just make it through another season, but to be able to fortify so we can be here for generations to come.

Colorado cut property taxes on these lands by 9% during the pandemic and will lower rates for the next two years to help property owners save money. The state is also investing in stronger agriculture supply chain infrastructure, more access to capital, funding opportunities and free marketing for Colorado ag products.

Governor Polis also recognizes that the future of our farms and ranches means families need access to succession and estate planning. He is dedicated to providing more of those solutions.

We are all aware of the dire challenges facing Southern Colorado, which extend beyond the challenges to our agriculture industry. We need more nurses and teachers. We need good paying jobs so that people will stay and thrive right here.

Governor Polis is making an all-out commitment to create opportunities for Southern Colorado communities. That means building up diverse economies, incentivizing more services closer to us and intentionally attracting the support we need.

Because of these focused efforts, Pueblo’s steel plant will grow new jobs here in Pueblo. And as we phase out the Comanche coal plant, the Office of Just Transition is focused on creating new job opportunities for those workers. Governor Polis also helped to make CSU Pueblo free for families making $55,000 or less, and other efforts to make jobs training and higher education accessible are helping set Puebloans up for success in the job market.

Creating opportunity also means bringing our infrastructure into the 21st century. Last year, the state awarded Pueblo $2 million to completely revamp Main Street and Union Avenue. And state leaders recently helped Pueblo secure $16 million in federal funding for much-needed infrastructure work, including fixing 70 bus stops on Pueblo’s West Side.

It all comes down to leadership. Governor Polis has shown courage, commitment, and great foresight. He looks to the future and doesn’t just envision our ever-growing challenges. He sees solutions. He sees a bright future. Governor Polis is the right man for the job.

It’s clear he is committed to tackling our challenges which are huge. He will give us our fair share of highways and roads dollars. He has a plan that will connect 99% of households to high-speed broadband by 2027.

He has a strong grasp on protecting and utilizing our water. He is bringing quality teachers and healthcare workers to underserved parts of our state. He is committed to a renewable energy future, and that includes the wind and solar industry which has become a large income producer for rural Colorado.

Governor Polis is a straight shooter, a proud hard-working Coloradan. He has shown he can get us through tough times and keep moving. He knows rural Colorado makes Colorado, Colorado.

Governor Polis is the genuine article and has my respect and vote in November.

John Singletary is a semi-retired farmer and rancher who lives east of Pueblo on the Arkansas River. He has served as a member of the Colorado Ag Commission, Parks and Wildlife Commission and started and served as chairman and member of the Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservancy District.

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This article originally appeared on The Pueblo Chieftain: Opinion: Governor Polis is the 'genuine article' for rural Colorado