Governor tainting Congressional maps

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Gov. Ron DeSantis to Florida: If your skin is dark, don't vote.

DeSantis has stepped in with a proposed map of Florida Congressional districts even more partisan than the ones the Republican-dominated state Legislature proposed. He would redraw the map to diminish the ability of Black voters in northern and central Florida to elect candidates of their choice and which tilts against a Hispanic district for good measure.

As Gannett's John Kennedy reported this month, DeSantis’ boundaries could enable Republicans to win 18 of the state’s 28 congressional districts, up from the current, 16-11 majority in Florida's delegation.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks in western Palm Beach County on Jan. 31.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks in western Palm Beach County on Jan. 31.

Previous editorial: Florida remains the petri dish of right-wing policy

And: Water must be a priority for West Palm Beach | Editorial

The nonpartisan Princeton Gerrymandering Project, which analyzes redistricting nationwide to understand and eliminate partisan gerrymandering, rates DeSantis' plan an "F" for partisan fairness. But that was the whole idea, to tilt the board to favor his party, rather than follow the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 and Florida's Fair Districts amendments, which were meant to prevent such undemocratic game-playing.

If DeSantis follows through on his promise to veto the Florida Legislature's maps and pushes the issue into the courts, he gains a chance to skew elections for years to come, if he succeeds in toppling precedents that favor fairness to minority voters.

As Kennedy wrote: "DeSantis may be looking for an opportunity to argue for a new interpretation of state and federal law when it comes to a state's responsibility to maintain districts where minority voters have an opportunity to elect a candidate of their choice. Courts historically have ruled such districts cannot be dramatically diminished. But DeSantis could be eager to ask a court to revisit that history, with the goal of winning judicial support for creating districts that don't take race into consideration."

A righteous politician might support policies that win votes by advocating equity and opportunity for all. In other words, if DeSantis and his party just did the right thing, they wouldn't have to cheat. Instead our governor crafts ever-more-intricate ways to shunt minorities away from ballot boxes, or in this case, toward ballot boxes in diluted districts where their votes won't have much impact.

The maneuver follows a wave of voter suppression efforts across Florida and the nation to make ballot drop boxes less accessible, to add voter identification burdens where there's no hint of fraud and to make it difficult or illegal for voters' rights groups to pick up and drop off ballots for the elderly and infirm.

There's one reason for all of this and one reason alone: African-Americans know that by and large, Republican candidates don't have their interests in mind, so Republicans seek out every slimy, legalistic way they can to minimize those likely Democratic votes.

For his part, DeSantis has nothing to lose, other than his soul. Even when courts slap down these GOP shenanigans, as they did during the last redistricting a decade ago, his making a show of minority suppression benefits him in some quarters.

It feeds ideological red meat to many in Republican ranks who either feel threatened by the state's increased diversity and the philosophical shift that portends, or who just see this as a winning strategy and don't care about such "woke" concerns as Florida's Fair Districts amendments, the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act.

The latter prohibits denying or impeding the right to vote based on race. It also requires creating districts that ease political access to racial and language minorities in areas where a minority population is geographically compact and politically cohesive but the majority tends to act enough as a bloc to to defeat candidates preferred by minorities.

But that was 1965, when civil rights champions pushed to finally end the voting discrimination institutionalized in many southern states. And this is now, when some fancy the idea that discrimination is but a tiny speck in the rearview mirror and that it's time for Blacks to move on down the road. Nothing to see here.

Florida's governor and the state GOP are entitled to make their best efforts to persuade others to the wisdom of conservative values. They're not entitled to mess with voting rights and democracy. True conservatives understand that.

We urge the governor to drop his redistricting plan.

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Editorial: Partisan tinkering with Congressional districts is wrong