Grand Forks-based All Embracing Home Care launches foundation to expand service

Jan. 13—GRAND FORKS — All Embracing Home Care has announced the launch of a non-profit arm, the All Embracing Home Care Foundation, which will allow it to better serve clients, according to founder and owner Dee Decimus Holmes.

All Embracing Home Care specializes in providing a wide range of services for people who have disabilities and those who want to remain in their homes as they age. With reimbursement from the state, its staff provides customized non-medical care for senior citizens and individuals with special needs.

The foundation, a non-profit organization, provides an avenue for All Embracing Home Care to cultivate donors and partnerships with businesses and other entities, Holmes said. By mobilizing resources, fostering strategic partnerships, and inspiring a culture of philanthropy, the foundation seeks to create a healthier and more inclusive society, she said.

"Our goal is to enable our clients to live comfortably in surroundings which are familiar to them," Holmes said.

Helping people in their own homes, her staff members would discover a range of unmet needs, many of which are not covered or not fully covered by insurance, Medicaid or Medicare, she said. Clients' needs range from household cleaning supplies to a lift chair.

Without adequate support, one of Holmes' clients was forced to choose between food and paying for his hearing aid. Insurance doesn't cover the full cost of hearing aids, she said.

Another client is living in a home, with evidence of black mold, that is "literally falling apart."

The foundation will be used to accept donations and sponsorships to support vital programs and initiatives and create strategic partnerships to leverage collective resources and expertise.

All Embracing Home Care, with about 80 employees, provides in-home care services to people in the North Dakota counties of Grand Forks, Cass, Griggs, Nelson, Steele, Traill, Walsh, Morton and Burleigh.

The organization has clients in area communities such as Hoople, Inkster, Reynolds, Buxton, Larimore and Cavalier, as well as elsewhere around the state.

In December, staff members received approval to provide care to veterans and next week they'll begin providing care to people in Polk County, Holmes said.

They help people of all ages live as independently as possible, without compromising their health and safety, she said.

Her staff members provide companionship and/or daily living assistance for individuals and respite care for caregivers. Services range from helping with tasks such as grocery shopping and bill-paying to more intense support, such as bathing and toileting.

Home visits range from a matter of minutes to 24/7 care, Holmes said. "We have five, 24-hour clients."

The All Embracing Home Care office is at 2211 S. Washington St.

For more information about the All Embracing Home Care Foundation and to explore collaboration opportunities, email

or call (701) 330-8373.