Grand Valley helps students persevere

Mar. 10—ORWELL — Grand Valley Local Schools continue to work to provide tools for students to persevere when the going gets tough.

"Getting Results in Tough Times," or GRITT, was established in the fall of 2021 after school officials felt students were giving up too easy, said Grand Valley High School Principal Roberta Cozad.

The program was structured for regular monthly meetings during school and has changed slightly this year, Cozad said.

Numerous speakers have visited and talked with students about ways to cope with stress and provide motivation to dig down when challenges come their way.

Cozad said St. John High School graduate David Miller shared his story about finding strength from people who stood up on his behalf as a child.

She said there are a group of teachers who work with administration to create the best possible plans to motivate the students.

Students also have been asked to sit in on some planning sessions to provide their own input on what they believe would be effective.

One of the problem-solving events sponsored by GRITT was challenging, but effective to get students to work through a difficult experience. She said the students participated in an escape room, which was difficult, but valuable.

Another component to the program has been the Masonic Model Assistance Program that has been working with the students. Cozad said freemasons bring two to three presenters for three different age groups.

"[The different groups] are all in different rooms," she said.

Teacher Linc Jerome was instrumental in making the program a reality, she said.

While the program is different each year, educators hope to continue to fine tune the program.

"It's not something that is going away," she said.

A March program features a dance group that will provide students with techniques to deal with and stop bullying.

A May 9 program is scheduled to fight drug addiction and includes motorcycles that will zip up and down the parking lot.

Cozad said the district hopes to help students realize life is not easy and there are ways to make it through the tough times. She said students need to know life can be hard.. for a while.