Grandfather mountain hosts annual Girl Scout Day

Grandfather Mountain, a not-for-profit park, hosted Girl Scout Day on Saturday.

This was the 52nd year of the event.

Girl scouts and troop leaders with proof of membership got into the event for free and family members received a discount on tickets.

There were two special programs happening from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Activities included scavenger hunts, animal CSI, a nature walk, and more.

ALSO READ: Grandfather Mountain shifts to dynamic pricing for admission tickets

“This day is such a great opportunity to engage with these girls and young women about the wonders of the natural world and why it’s so important to protect places like Grandfather Mountain,” said interpretation and education programs manager with the Grandfather Mountain Stewardship Foundation, Lauren Farrell.

Girl Scout Day began in 1971 when the scouts were adopted by Grandfather Mountain. In return, the girl scouts adopted the parks mascot, Mildred the black bear.

For more information on Girl Scout ay, click here.

WATCH BELOW: Highland Games kick off at Grandfather Mountain this weekend)