Granville Vacation Bible School registration open until May 21

The 2023 Granville Ecumenical Vacation Bible School theme is "Hero Hotline: Called Together to Serve God!" which "invites children of all ages to answer the call to serve God together. With the help of Professor and Super Meer the meerkat, young Heroes learn to strive for peace and the things that build each other up (Romans 14:19). Through Old and New Testaments stories about teams of supporting heroes, kids learn how to Follow Jesus, Help Others, Work Together, Listen to God, and Show Grace.”

VBS week is June 6-10, 9 a.m.-noon. Granville Vacation Bible School is open to all. There is no requirement for church affiliation. The sponsoring churches are: Centenary United Methodist (UMC), First Presbyterian Church, St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, and United Church of Granville (United Church of Christ and American Baptist). Register online at

The following groups are included in registration: Children preschool (4+) through 6th grade (grade entering in fall 2023), volunteers adult and teen (7th-12th grade), and Little VBS for volunteers’ children (birth-3+ yrs). Registration runs through My 21. Fees: $35 per child with a $70 family cap, and scholarships are available.

Contact with any questions.

Information submitted by Granville Ecumenical Vacation Bible School.

This article originally appeared on Newark Advocate: Granville Vacation Bible School registration open until May 21